Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Access to older version of IVF 11.1.070


I have a 3rd party application that was compiled in ver 11.1.060 that I need to be able to compile new code/libraries and link with.  Is there a way to restore access to the earlier version of the compiler in Visual Studio?  (w/o losing access to the current version) The 11.1.070 compiler is still resident on the computer, just not accessible through the Visual Studio developer environment.  I can likely go command  line mode but would prefer to use the Visual Studio IDE, since this will be an on-going effort.  Updating the 3rd party application is not an option...

If  obj code/libraries from the current compiler are binary compatible that would obviously work fine, but my recollection is that they are not compatible..


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8 Replies
Honored Contributor III

I'm not certain which limitation on simultaneously installed versions you are concerned with.  You could re-install the 11.1 with its Visual Studio Shell, or a separate older Visual Studio, if your current version uses a more recent VS or Shell.  11.1.070 should have no trouble with the slightly older objects.

The current compiler and library/linker would usually accept the object files from the old one, but it's not guaranteed over such a wide difference in versions.  The libraries furnished with the old compiler would not work with the current one.  Both old and new would need to be the same 32-bit or intel64 target mode.

Steve Lionel once posted the reference to a page giving the range of compatible Visual Studio versions for various ranges of ifort releases, but I can't find it by search.

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Honored Contributor III

Yes, that reference confirms that ifort 11.1 would run with Visual Studio or Shell 2008 (nothing newer), so a complete installation would necessarily be entirely independent of a current ifort installation (no possiblity of switching between them in the same VS GUI).  If using GUI project mode for both the old and new compilers, the objects would need to be copied over from the old project to the new one.

If wanting to run both VS2008 and a current VS under the same Windows installation, it appears to require windows 7, but still the old .obj files might be copied into a newer Windows installation.  Varying results have been reported on using VS2008 under newer Windows, where Microsoft didn't support it.

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Thanks for the info.  I'll have to see if I have the original Visual Studio install files in my archives...I am running Win 7(64) so I should be OK with that.  The help is much appreciated!

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Honored Contributor III

There is nothing in what has been said that indicates that the current version of the compiler will not work. I suggest that, before obtaining and installing the old version, you try building your new code and linking with the old DLL/library/application. If it works, you will have established that there is no need to maintain two versions of the compiler on your system. If it does not, you will have wasted only a small amount of time to ascertain that fact.

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Honored Contributor III

As you have a current license, you can download the older installer at

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I was able to re-install from an archive of w_cprof_p_11.1.070_intel64.exe  and integrate with VS 2008 that still existed on my computer.  So it appears I am good to go.  Hopefully having both VS 2008 w/IVF 11.1.070 and VS 2010 w/IVF XE15.0.2.179 will not cause any conflicts.  

I've read a bit about install issues with IVF 16.  Do these go away if  I have installed VS 2015 with C++ ?

Thanks All for the help !



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I saw Steve's comments re the 16 install in the announcement...

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