Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Can get off the ground


I just downloaded a 30 day trial version of the latest Fortran compiler.  I have an I7 CPU and I am running Windows 7.  I just trying to do the simplest possible thing: compile link and run from a command line prompt.

I have a Fortran program that compiles, links, and runs  under Vista (on a 32 bit machine) using version 10.1 of the Intel Fortran compiler.  However, I can't seem to get the same compiler to work on my I7 machine. I thought that this may be due to not having the latest compiler, so I tried the 30 day trial version.  Pretty much the same thing happen for either of the two versions.

After installing "Composer XE 2013 on my I7 machine, Start > Intel Parallel Studio XE2013 does not show a command environment link like I'm used to seeing with Intel Fortran 10.1.  Does that mean something went wrong with the installation?    If I open up my own command window and add the path to where I know ifort.exe is installed (C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE 2013\bin\intel64), then ifort at least trys to run, but produces the following error:

ifort: error #10037: cound not find 'link'.

Running compilervars.bat with the argument intel64 does not help.  I get the same link error.


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10 Replies

My subject title should have been:  Can't get off the ground, not Can.

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Honored Contributor III

There should be a shortcut in Start>all programs>Intel parallel studio xe 2013>command prompt>parallel studio with intel compiler xe....>intel64.... (depends on which visual studio) which runs the ifortvars setup script which in turn sets up Microsoft link, if you installed against a supported Visual Studio or the include Visual Studio shell.

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There is no "Start>all programs>Intel parallel studio xe 2013>command prompt" on my machine.  Also, I don't have any version of Visual Studios.  I'm not sure what a Visual Studio "Shell" is, but it sounds like somehing the installation program should have provided. I was expecting the installation program to provide everything I need for compiling on the command line.  Am I wrong?

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If you buy the product, you get everything you need, including both command prompt and Visual Studio. Due to licensing restrrictions, the evaluation version requires that you already have Visual Studio installed, or you can use the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4.0. The evaluation download page asked you to confirm that you understood this and the installation would have warned you that you had no prerequisite Microsoft software installed.

What I would recommend is that you download and install the SDK I linked above, uninstall Intel Fortran and reinstall it. You should then have a Command Prompt folder under Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 with one or more shortcuts to open a command prompt session.

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I ran  Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit for WIindows 7 and .NET Framework 4.0 and it warned me that not all SDK components were installed.  It also told me that if I want all SDK components installed, I should go to and then rerun Setup.  Well. I did that.  Then, as you suggested, I uninstalled Intel Fortran and then reinstalled it.  As a result of all that, I still do not have a command link under Start>all programs>Intel parallel studio xe 2013. Any other ideas?




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I'm going to uninstall both Intel Fortran and Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4.0.  Then I'm going to install a 90 day trial version of Visual Studio Professional 2012.  Then, I'm going to reinstall the latest trial version of Intel Fortran. Maybe that will work.

By the way, why didn't my paid for version of Intel Fortran (Ver. 10.1) install on my I7 CPU machine?  Do I need Visual Studios for that as well?  If so,  I'm assuming the trial version of Visual Studios will be enough for installing Intel Fortran ver 10.1.  After 90 days, when the trial version of Visual Studios has expired, will Fortran 10.1 still work?

Thanks for you patience.


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Yes, if you install the VS2012 trial that should be fine.

What is the name of the EXE file you used to install 10.1? It could be that you chose an installer that did not include Visual Studio 2005 Premier Partner Edition, which provides the command-line tools. 10.1 doesn't know anything about VS2012, though.

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I tried w_fc_p_10.1.001_intel64.exe and also w_fc_p_10.1.001_ia32.exe.  I think I also tried w_fc_p_10.1.001.exe yesterday, but it refused to install Visual Studio 2005 Premier Partner Edition for some reason.  It's all a jumbled mass of confusion at this point.

By the way, it looks like my previous post got lost (never actually became visible on this website).  Maybe it will eventually.



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After a long haul, I believe everything is working.  For benchmark testing, I've been linking to the MKL library,  Interestingly, if I compile using ia32, my benchmark program run (let's call it run1) is a little faster than if compiled with lp64 (run2).  Also, if I compile this same code on my 32 bit machine with Intel Fortran 10.1 installed, and then copy the executable to my 64 bit I7 machine, the runtime (run3) is tied with run1.  This tells me that I might as well just use the 10.1 version on my 32 bit machine and then copy over the executable to the I7 machine.  At this point, I don't see a need to buy the latest Fortran, but I could be wrong.  I plan to keep comparing the various runtimes in light of better chosen compiler switches.

Thanks for your help.



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Did you build a Release configuration? If not, you are looking at unoptimized builds.  You should also look at processor targeting to use newer instructions. See Which compiler options should I use to optimize best for a specific Intel® processor?

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