Intel® Fortran Compiler
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28770 Discussions

Compiler complains about declaration conflicts and functions not being declared that are


I am compiling the following file as part of a much larger project:



subroutine GetSoftwareLicense
    ! Checks out a license for this instance
    use Globals
    use Licensing
    implicit none

    LOGICAL :: CheckoutSuccessful
    !******************* CHECK OUT SOFTWARE LICENSE **********************
    CheckoutSuccessful = initialize_license(1, 50)

    if (.not. CheckoutSuccessful) call NoLicenseExit(3)

    call GlobalWriter(0,.TRUE.,.FALSE.)

end subroutine GetSoftwareLicense

subroutine NoLicenseExit(iType)
    ! Exits based on there not being a valid license
    use Globals
    implicit none
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iType
    CHARACTER(100) :: StringLoader
    INTEGER :: iret
    StringLoader = "License Error"//CHAR(0)
    if (iType == 1) iret = MessageBox(ghWindow,"License failed to be checked out."//CHAR(0),StringLoader,IOR(MB_OK,MB_ICONERROR))
! More such checks... Just display a relevant message based on iType
    iret = SendMessage(ghWindow,WM_DESTROY,0,0)

end subroutine NoLicenseExit

integer function GetCostForThreads(threads)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: threads
    integer, parameter :: baseline = 5

    ! Baseline
    if (threads <= 4) then
        GetCostForThreads = baseline

    ! Scaling
        GetCostForThreads = INT((threads-4)*1) + baseline

end function GetCostForThreads

logical function UpdateOMPThreadCount(threads)
    use Licensing
    use Globals
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: threads

    integer :: cost, actual_threads
    logical :: success

    ! Obviously
    if (threads <= 1) then
        actual_threads = 1
        actual_threads = threads

    ! Get cost
    cost = GetCostForThreads(actual_threads)

    ! Check with licensing
    success = update_cost(cost)
    if (success) then
        call omp_set_num_threads(actual_threads)
        call GlobalErrorHandler(14)

    UpdateOMPThreadCount = success

end function UpdateOMPThreadCount


When compiling, I get the following error messages:


Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [GETCOSTFORTHREADS] Licenses.f90
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error error #5508: Declaration of routine 'NOLICENSEEXIT' conflicts with a previous declaration Licenses.f90


Why are these popping up? I have clearly declared GetCostForThreads, and nowhere else have I declared NoLicenseExit. I've tried rebuilding the solution multiple times. I've also tried deleting the entire "Debug" directory. Neither works. These are the only error messages that appear when compiling the entire project.
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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

 >>I have clearly declared GetCostForThreads, 

In UpdateOMPThreadCount you have implicit none

You are calling the function GetCostForThreads

Within the scope of UpdateOMPThreadCount, GetCostForThreads is undefined.


A suggestion is to place this code into a module then (elsewhere) use this module:


module YourModuleNameHere
! module data follows
! ...
! module procedures follow
subroutine GetSoftwareLicense
end function UpdateOMPThreadCount
end module YourModuleNameHere

subroutine SomeCodeElsewhere
  use YourModuleNameHere
  implicit none


If (when) you cannot place that code inside a module, then create a module containing the interfaces and use that to declare your interfaces:


module YourInterfacesNameHere
  subroutine GetSoftwareLicense
  end subroutine GetSoftwareLicense

  subroutine NoLicenseExit(iType)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iType
  end subroutine NoLicenseExit

 integer function GetCostForThreads(threads)
    integer, intent(in) :: threads
  end function GetCostForThreads

  logical function UpdateOMPThreadCount(threads)
    integer, intent(in) :: threads
  end function UpdateOMPThreadCount
end module YourInterfacesNameHere
! other file
subroutine something
   use YourInterfacesNameHere


EDIT: Note, in the second case your subroutine GetCostForThreads will require the USE YourInterfacesNameHere.

Jim Dempsey


View solution in original post

5 Replies

@CoryG probably the error is elsewhere in your code / compilation. Any chance that we can get a full reproducer and the full compilation log?
Please also check with the latest release (2024.2).

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Honored Contributor III

 >>I have clearly declared GetCostForThreads, 

In UpdateOMPThreadCount you have implicit none

You are calling the function GetCostForThreads

Within the scope of UpdateOMPThreadCount, GetCostForThreads is undefined.


A suggestion is to place this code into a module then (elsewhere) use this module:


module YourModuleNameHere
! module data follows
! ...
! module procedures follow
subroutine GetSoftwareLicense
end function UpdateOMPThreadCount
end module YourModuleNameHere

subroutine SomeCodeElsewhere
  use YourModuleNameHere
  implicit none


If (when) you cannot place that code inside a module, then create a module containing the interfaces and use that to declare your interfaces:


module YourInterfacesNameHere
  subroutine GetSoftwareLicense
  end subroutine GetSoftwareLicense

  subroutine NoLicenseExit(iType)
    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iType
  end subroutine NoLicenseExit

 integer function GetCostForThreads(threads)
    integer, intent(in) :: threads
  end function GetCostForThreads

  logical function UpdateOMPThreadCount(threads)
    integer, intent(in) :: threads
  end function UpdateOMPThreadCount
end module YourInterfacesNameHere
! other file
subroutine something
   use YourInterfacesNameHere


EDIT: Note, in the second case your subroutine GetCostForThreads will require the USE YourInterfacesNameHere.

Jim Dempsey



@jimdempseyatthecove good catch:)
For omp_set_num_threads it would also be better if you would add "use omp_lib". For the GETCOSTFORTHREADS function, you could also declare it as "integer, external :: GETCOSTFORTHREADS"


Ah I'd forgotten about "use omp_lib". Thanks!

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