Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Migrating a project from an older version of Intel Visual Fortran


I am migrating a large solution from an older version of Intel Fortran. The old solution file contained the following:

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2014
The old project file contained the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VisualStudioProject ProjectCreator="Intel Fortran" Keyword="Console Application" Version="11.0" ProjectIdGuid="{5981CACF-B133-49CD-A4B1-FB8BD7983C3F}">
I currently have Visual Studio 2015 installed alongside Parallel Studio 2016. I'd like to migrate the above mentioned files to this new setup. After making a dummy project on the new GUI to see what the reference header is for the new system, I changed the solution header to :
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 14
I tried changing the project header to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VisualStudioProject ProjectCreator="Intel Fortran" Keyword="Console Application" Version="16.0" ProjectIdGuid="{5981CACF-B133-49CD-A4B1-FB8BD7983C3F}">
But this gave me an error. When I changed it back to Version="11.0" it worked.
It seems incorrect that Fortran 2016 should show Version="11.0" in the project file header. Am I doing this correctly? Also the compilation procedure was extremely slow, but that might be a question for another thread.
Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong, and whether or not I can fix it.
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8 Replies
New Contributor III

My header for VS 2015 (update 3) solution files says:

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 14
VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.25420.1
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1

Adding VisualStudioVersion/MinimumVisualStudioVersion might help in your case. However, why don't you let VS do this. Isn't it asking, when you open an older *.sln?

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Yes you're right it is Visual Studio 14. I just re-edited my initial post

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New Contributor III

Tested it, VS 2010 *.sln are not converted automatically by VS 2015. But, if click on the solution in the tree (solution explorer in VS 2015) and File->Save "My_Solution.sln" As... the new saved solution has the current header.

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Honored Contributor III

You don't have to do this - VS2012 and later will properly handle VS2010 solutions with no ill effects.

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Yes but will it compile with the current Intel Fortran version? That's the question.

I just tried opening the project without touching the .sln and .vfproj files and it compiles fine (albeit slower than with the earlier version we had).  So like you said there appears to be some back-compatibility. I then saved the new solution to see if the .vfproj file was modified to reflect the new fortran version, but it was not. It still shows

Version = '11.0' 

Although during the compilation the standard output shows:

2>Writing VERSION:1, lang:0x409, size 556
2>Compiling with Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler 16.0 [Intel(R) 64]...
Do you see my confusion here? I'm a bit annoyed that, although it appears to be compiling with the right compiler, that's not reflected in the vfproj file, which makes me wonder ..
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Honored Contributor III

The version of the compiler used is independent of the Visual Studio solution version. Go to Tools > Options > Intel Compilers and Tools > Visual Fortran > Compilers. Make sure that "Selected compiler" says "Latest".

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I am trying to migrate from Compaq Visual Fortran to Intel Visual Fortran. I have attached my steps that I have taken based on both software. I cannot compile my program using Intel Visual Program.

Any Suggestion - see attached file for the steps......

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Honored Contributor III

You must create a project (in a solution) first. You can't just open a Fortran source and build it into an executable.

A simple way is to select File > New > Fortran Project from Existing Code, then follow the prompts.

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