Intel® Fortran Compiler
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single-theaded and multi-threaded problem on win64

New Contributor I

I'm trying to run a code compiled with visual .NET 2005 and IVF 11.0 and I couldn't. I normally run the old version of the code (compiled with .NET 2003 and IVF 9.1) and run perfectly.
I found a difference in the default values of the compiler with the single/multi-threaded option.
In the old one, the default is single-threaded and run, the new one don't have that option and just have multi-threaded (I understand who is the flag \threaded).
Exists any way for set the single-threaded option in the new version? via the visual .NET interface it is not possible change to single-threaded....

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7 Replies
Honored Contributor III
There is no thread-unsafe 64-bit library support in Visual Studio. Anyway, it's unlikely that such libraries would solve your problem, which you haven't described sufficiently for us to help.
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New Contributor I
Quoting - tim18
There is no thread-unsafe 64-bit library support in Visual Studio. Anyway, it's unlikely that such libraries would solve your problem, which you haven't described sufficiently for us to help.

Thanks for your answer. Maybe I did not explain my problem clearly. I am using visual studio .net 2008 with intel fortran compiler 11. The problem is that I do not known how to compile my code using single thread static library as in visual studio 2008 this option is not available in the library menu and only multi-thread libraries are included. So, is it possible to compile using single-thread libraries directly from the visual studio environment or is it necessary to edit the command line in some way in order to include single-thread libraries? Thanks in advance.
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It simply is not possible. Microsoft removed the static, single-threaded library. The option is not available from either Visual Studio or the command line.
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New Contributor I

It simply is not possible. Microsoft removed the static, single-threaded library. The option is not available from either Visual Studio or the command line.

Thank you Steve. If I go back to the developer studio 2003 with ifort 11.1? with the multi-thread library I'm having problems in the PC.
The machine is: Sun 2X AMD Opteron 246 with XP64. The old version of the code, compiled wit single-thread library runs without any problem and it is not possible to run the code compiled with the multi-thread library.
Can be possible that the processor don't support the multi-thread ?
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No, it is not the processor (or at least that would be the last thing I would suspect). What is the exact nature of the problem?
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New Contributor I

No, it is not the processor (or at least that would be the last thing I would suspect). What is the exact nature of the problem?

The compiler options I am using are the following

/nologo /O3 /Og /Qipo /free /Qopenmp-report0 /Qpar-report0 /Qvec-report0 /warn:declarations /warn:unused /warn:ignore_loc /warn:truncated_source /warn:interfaces
/real_size:64 /module:"Release/" /object:"Release/" /check:none /libs:static /threads /c

When I run the code from the visual environment ( ctrl+F5) there is no problem and the program runs properly. The problem arises when I copy the .exe file to a folder in order to run the application outside the visual environment. In this case the following windows message error appears

The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000017). Click on OK to terminate the application
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This is a console application, I presume? Download Dependency Walker. run it and drag your EXE into its window. Does it report any errors? Does your application use any DLLs that you have provided?
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