Intel® Fortran Compiler
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28744 Discussions

vfproj cannot be opened by VS2019


Dear there,


I installed Intel parallel studio XE composer 2020 after installing VS 2019 community. Both softs were installed in D:\. However, when I open the .vfproj file or .f90/.for/.f files, errors come up. Please see the attached graph. The echo shows messy codes. Is there anyone who can help me out? Many thanks.

I installed VS2013 and IVF 2016 before those issues. At that time, there were no such problems.  The work desktop can be opened with VS as long as one .f90 or .vfproj file was double clicked. 

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13 Replies
Honored Contributor III

I would try uninstalling and reinstalling the Intel product.

0 Kudos

Thanks for the reply Steve. I downloaded the setup file and reinstalled it. The integration option was checked while installing. However, the issues were still there. Whats the reason for that? Is it possible caused by that the directory of installation was set to D:\ instead of C:\? or the problem of VS community version? cuz there were no such problems for the professional version which was used before. Cheers.

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Honored Contributor III

I use the Community version - works fine. Why not use the oneAPI 2021 compiler? It's free.

0 Kudos

Thanks for your kind recommendation Steve. I will try that in future. BTW, Did you install the Community version to D:\ disk? and the same to IVF (or oneAPI)?Many thanks.

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Honored Contributor III

I did not, but I have done that in the past without issues.

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Honored Contributor III

Well, while I cannot read Chinese, that dialog usually comes up when a file type has no "open with" associated with it. With the .vfproj file type, this indicates either: a) IVF integration failed with VS2020, or b) VS2020 not installed, or c) you have multiple versions of MS VS an integration applied to wrong version of MSVS and then that version of VS may have been subsequently uninstalled.


When (assumed) that dialog appears, one of the options is (usually), to the effect: "Search system for application to open the file" and together with a check box for "always open this file type with this application". Test the open first without checking the check box. If it doesn't work, figure out why. If it does work, repeat the open together with checking the check box.

Note, MSVS could start up and succeed, or, complain with a) Don't know file type .vfproj (IVF installation error), or b) error opening Project (the content of the .vfproj is incompatible with the version of MSVS).


Jim Dempsey

0 Kudos

Thanks for the reply, Jim. The Chinese in the graph means 'how could you open the .vfproj file?' The application for the opening is listed in the graph as well. It is similar with the English in English version of Windows.

First, I did as you suggested in the reply. The '.f90' can be opened with 'VS community selector' but not for the '.vfproj'. Actually, only '.sln' can be opened while double-clicked directly. However, as the former version VS 2013 and Intel Parallel Studio 2016 were installed, '.f90', .'vfproj' and '.sln' could be opened by double-clicking directly.

Second, the VS community 2019 (the name of setup file is vs_community__863596726.1635420865) and Intel Parallel Studio 2020 (the name of it is parallel_studio_xe_2020_update4_composer_edition_online_setup) were tried to be installed for at least three times. Those two objects were compatible from Intel® Compilers compatibility with Microsoft Visual Studio* and.... The VS community 2019 was installed first to 'D:\' with 'C++ desktop development' checked. The Intel Parallel Studio 2020 was installed then to 'D:\' with 'integration with VS' checked.

In my opinion, the process of the installation was no problem. The probable reason for that might be the indication 'c)' in your reply. The VS 2013 and Intel Parallel Studio 2016 was installed in the PC before. Those two software were removed before this time of installation. I guessed there were some remains for them. The 'totalUninstaller' was installed and run before every installation of VS community 2019. But the problem was still there. The whole processing is time-consuming and boring. Now I uninstalled the two software and wait for the right solution:-).


Many thanks,


0 Kudos

Thanks for the reply Jim. Regretfully, the detailed reply disappeared after it was submitted in the current page. Generally, I did as you suggested in the last reply. The .f90 and .vfproj can not be opened by double-clicked while .sln can be opened. I have tried the installation of VS community 2019(name of setup file is vs_community__863596726.1635420865) and Intel parallel studio (name of setup file is parallel_studio_xe_2020_update4_composer_edition_online_setup) for at least three times. At each time, the issues were still there. 


In my opinion, the probable reason for that might be indication 'c)' in your last reply. So I used 'TotalUninstaller' to remove the possible remains of the previous software VS 2013 and Intel parallel studio 2016. But the issues were still there too. 


The tries were time-consuming and boring. Now I removed the two software again and wait for the right solution:-). 


Many thanks,


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Honored Contributor III

Alex1605, a good test of integration issue verses .vfproj issue is if you can or cannot create a new .vfproj (e.g. create a new "Hello World" project.)

I have experienced MS VS problems where the project files from an older version of MS VS are incompatible with a newer version of MS VS.

In those cases, the best remedy was to Open the old project in the old MS VS, and then in a separate window/session create a new project in the new MS VS, then add the files duplicating the property settings. I had to do this once with a solution containing 13 projects, 750 files.

Note, there may be an easy .html fix, but finding that fix may take longer than building anew.

Jim Dempsey

0 Kudos

Thanks Jim. Actually, there are some ways to deal with the older project, such as what you suggested, deleting the older .vfprj and debug dir, or just creating a new project. That is not the key point for this issue. For the issue, there seems no solution at least in my PC. Next, I have following choices:

1) wait for the new release of VS community and try to integrate with my Intel Parallel Studio 2020.

2) try integrate the older Intel Parallel Studio with VS community 2019.

3) turn to VS support community and find the solution.

4) drop the windows version and use Linux instead. But this is not a good way for the debug. 


Thanks again,



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Honored Contributor III

In older VS versions, there was a manual step you could use to re-register the Intel Fortran plugins into VS, but that doesn't work in recent VS versions. What typically works is to uninstall the Intel product and then reinstall it. Do NOT try a "repair" - this rarely works.

0 Kudos

Thanks Steve for the suggestions. The issues were still there. That might be all right to the professional or enterprise VS but not for community one :-).



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