Intel® ISA Extensions
Use hardware-based isolation and memory encryption to provide more code protection in your solutions.
1103 Discussions

Is there any methods to see contents in MMX and XMM registers?

Recently, I met a hard problem. My debug dll worked fine, but my release dll failed to show correct image. After some hard working, I found the problem was that a mul of float got wrong result, one of the operator was a const(acturally it was a const float div another const float) and it was just put in XMM register. With debugger, I confined the other operator is correct, so I want to see the operator in XMM register, but I don't know how. Can any one show me the method?
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III


With Visual Studio under Debug, Windows,click on view registers window. Then right-click inside the registers window and check the items to display. (Somewhat like properties)

Jim Dempsey

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New Contributor II
What about in Open-Source, does GDB or any Open-Source Tool can help in debugging the content within XMM & XMM regs.?


With Visual Studio under Debug, Windows,click on view registers window. Then right-click inside the registers window and check the items to display. (Somewhat like properties)

Jim Dempsey

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New Contributor II
Quoting - kalven
Recently, I met a hard problem. My debug dll worked fine, but my release dll failed to show correct image. After some hard working, I found the problem was that a mul of float got wrong result, one of the operator was a const(acturally it was a const float div another const float) and it was just put in XMM register. With debugger, I confined the other operator is correct, so I want to see the operator in XMM register, but I don't know how. Can any one show me the method?

What about in Open-Source, does GDB or any Open-Source Tool can help in debugging the content within XMM & XMM regs.?


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