Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
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Two questiones about redistribution of IPP

Dear ALL
I have bought the commercial license of IPP, which cost me $199. I have two question here.
1, Can I redistribute the DLLs of IPP with my company's software?
I know I have theredistribution rights. And the static library files can be redistributed as outlined in the end user license agreement. But what about thedynamic link library? In the folder ..\\Intel\\ComposerXE-2011\\redist\\ia32\\ipp, does it mean all these files can be redistributed with our company's own commercial software together?
2, If another company purchases our company's software product, which includes IPP's DLLs and uses our product in their product, do they have right toredistributetheir software product directly? or they have to buy a new commercial license of IPP?
Thank you in advance.
Best Wishes
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4 Replies
Dear yzmwb,

These IPP Knowledge Base article may answer you questions.

1. IPP Downloads, Registration and Licensing

Questions about which Intel IPP library files can be redistributed with your application are answered here.

Yes, these dynamic libraries in the folder /redist/ia32/ipp/ can be redistributed with your company's software products.
Please Checkthe redist.txt file located inC:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\ComposerXE-2011\Documentation\en_US\ippfor more details (Please note, this file is only contained in the full product package)

2. This Intel IPP licensing FAQ answers many questions regarding how the Intel IPP library is licensed for development and for redistribution to your customers

When I buy a copy of Intel IPP, can I redistribute the runtime library files (such as lib, DLLs) with my company's software?
Yes. Your purchase of Intel IPP (and updates through the support service subscription) includes redistribution rights. See the end-user license agreement for redistribution details. The static library files can be redistributed as outlined in the end user license agreement.

Do I need to buy an Intel IPP license for each copy of our software that we sell?
No. There is no royalty fee for redistribution of Intel IPP. Please check the Intel IPP end user license agreement for more details.

How many copies of my company's application can redistribute the Intel IPP library files?
You may redistribute an unlimited number of copies of the files that are found in the directories defined in the Redistributables section of the end user license agreement.

Are there royalty fees for using Intel IPP?
No. There is no royalty fee for redistributing the Intel IPP library files with your software. By licensing the Intel IPP product for your developers, you have rights to redistribute the Intel IPP library files with your software for an unlimited number of copies. For more information, please refer to the end user license agreement.

Hope it helps
Ying H.

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To Ying H:
Thank you for your reply.
Sorry, maybe I didn't explain my question clearly.
For my second question, our company has purchased the commercial license of IPP to develop software product, our product is an OCX.Certainly, our company has right to distribute our software, there are some IPP DLLsreleased with our OCX,and the number of distribution is unlimited. There is no problem.
The question is,another companypurchasesour company's product to develop their own product and sell their product. So IPP DLLs must can be found in their product.In this case,do they need to buy a new commercial license of IPP for redistribution?
I have read theIntel IPP licensing FAQ, but it seems that they can not answer my question clearly.
Could you help me?
Thank you again.
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This is definitely a more difficult question. I've asked our product marketing folks to comment and will post a reply once I have an answer.
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Guidance from our product marketing folks is:

our customers (customer A) may allow their customers (customer B) to further redistribute IPP but only as part of customer As application, and customer B may not distribute IPP independent of customers As app

In other words, your customer may freely distribute that part of IPP that you are providing to them to be used with your product, as long as they are only distributing IPP along with your product.

Hope this helps,


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