Intel® Optane™ Memory
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1378 Discussions

No compatible disk for Intel Optane Memory: Did I do something wrong?



I just bought this 16gb intel Optane Memory device. After installing the drivers, I end up with a "No Compatible Disk for Intel Optane Memory" in setup. This was on a fresh install on Windows too. Is there a fix for this?

What I tried so far:

  1. Uninstalling/reinstalling the device.
  2. Updated BIOS to the latest version.

My specs are:

I5 7200u (7th gen)

Geforce 940mx


Here are some loginfo. I'm also on an Acer Aspire A515-51G by the way.

Thanks for any advice!

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7 Replies
Hello JLor0, Thank you for contacting Intel® Memory & Storage Support. As we understand, you need assistance with your Intel® Optane™ Memory. If we infer correctly we will appreciate if you can review the following information: 1. Your Intel® Optane™ Memory is detected as a storage device. 2. Based on the information available on your PC original equipment manufacturer (OEM) Acer* website we do not see your PC as Optane ready. 3. We advise you to contact Acer* in order to check your PC compatibility with Optane and the proper BIOS configuration. Thank you for your patience and understanding, if you need further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us again. Best regards, Josh B. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation Third Party Content: Web Sites and Materials may contain user or third party submitted content; such content is not reviewed, approved or endorsed by Intel and is provided solely as a convenience to our customers and users. Under no circumstances will Intel be liable in any way for any third party submitted or provided content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions, or damages of any kind. ANY MATERIAL DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF THE MATERIALS IS DONE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK AND THAT YOU WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR OTHER DEVICE OR LOSS OF DATA THAT RESULTS FROM THE DOWNLOAD OF ANY SUCH MATERIAL. By your use, you agree that you must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of any third party content, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such content. All postings and use of the Web Sites or Material are subject to these Terms of Use and any other program and site specific terms.
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Hi Josh,

Sorry I couldn't respond earlier. I'm in the process of contacting Acer support to see if my particular model is compatible with Optane Memory, but I think I found my problem. I think I erased everything in the Optane Memory Module while installing Windows because I couldn't get it to work earlier, which is why it's now acting as storage and not as memory. Is there anything I can do or did I just screw myself up? If it's supposed to be like that, is there something else I'm missing?


I did take a look in the link you provided me, and according to that, I do have an option in my BIOs to switch my SATA mode to "RST with Optane." Does that mean my laptop is Optane ready? Because I did a little digging when installing a turbo-boost drive for my CPU, and it turns out my CPU can support Optane Memory, and I did a little digging in Acer products, including mines, and they support Optane too.


Some other things I've done so far:

  1. I installed RST technology to see if I can enable it from there. Turns out it says my motherboard is Optane Ready, it just couldn't detect the module, despite the fact it's still plugged.
  2. I tried reinstalling Windows while SATA is in "RST with Optane". I remembered to leave at least 5mb of space (I put out 1.43 gb of space for it). Still the same problem after I install the drivers.


Thanks in advance.

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Hello JLor0, Thank you for having contacted Intel® Memory & Storage Support. This is just a friendly reminder that your case remains open. Should you need our technical assistance please do not hesitate to contact us back. Best regards, Josh B. Intel® Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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Quick Update:

Just in case if more info is needed, here's my module and info.

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Hello JLor0, Thank you for your reply. To answer your question: I do have an option in my BIOS to switch my SATA mode to "RST with Optane." Does that mean my laptop is Optane ready? -It means that your BIOS includes options that are related to Optane, but we cannot assure you that the hardware will be fully supported or if there is a specific BIOS configuration or version that you need to have to be able to setup Optane properly. Regarding the picture you shared with us we noticed that your Optane memory is an HP*/OEM Optane memory this means that is modified to work in an HP equipment with a specific configuration and we cannot assure you that it will be able to be detected or to work at all with your Acer* PC. We advise you to contact the original equipment manufacturer or seller of the Optane memory to verify the compatibility and in case that is defective (as it is not being detected by your BIOS) to get a replacement. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Best regards, Josh B. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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Hi Josh,

I think I see my problem now. I bought the wrong module. It looks like the current module I have is not compatible with my Acer product and will only be seen as a storage device. Even if I try other solutions, my module will only work on HP motherboards and not ones built by Acer or by another company, according to the internet. Since you mentioned my current module is HP, I will try to buy another one that is compatible with my computer specifications and see if that will work. If there is any details about what module type to buy, let me know. So far, I haven't fried my laptop yet. Thank you for helping.

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Hello JLor0, Thank you for your reply; you are more than welcome. It has been a pleasure. We are glad to hear that you found the information we shared with you helpful. As per your comment: “I will try to buy another one that is compatible with my computer specifications and see if that will work. If there are any details about what module type to buy, let me know.” We advise you to contact your OEM Acer* in order to get a module that will be fully compatible with your PC or to contact one of our Intel® Authorized Distributors ( We would like to know if you need further assistance or if we can close this case. If you need further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Josh B. Intel® Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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