Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16970 Discussions

Any way to use hyper-threading?

Honored Contributor II

I'm running Quartus II 9.0 SP2 on a quad-core Intel Core i7 920. This is the latest line of Intel chip, which features the return of hyperthreading, so there's actually 8 processors total. However, Quartus doesn't want to use more than 4. I've set it to "Use all available processors" in Settings -> Compilation Process Settings, but it says it only detects 4. It won't let me explicitly select more than 4 either. I even tried manually editing the .qsf file to set NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS to 8, but the messages printed during compilation still say that it's only using 4. 


What I'm wondering is, is this a bug in Quartus where it doesn't correctly detect the presence of the hyperthreaded processors, or is it a deliberate restriction made by the Quartus developers after evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of hyperthreading on the new Core i7 line? 


P.S. I'm using Ubuntu, in case it matters. 


P.P.S. The OS does recognize all 8 processors.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Here's a kdb I came across a while ago chasing the same problem which might be of interest :- 


Not sure how much of it is still relevant for Q9.0 SP2?
0 Kudos

I know this is old but has there been any update on this?
The link from the last comment is leading me to altera home page.

I'm having the same problem on an 4-core 8 threads processor machine with Quartus 23.1 lite. I tried adding

set_global_assignment -name NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS 7

to my qsf file but i get

Warning (20031): Parallel compilation is enabled for 7 processors, but there are only 4 processors in the system. Runtime may increase due to over usage of the processor space.

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