Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16732 Discussions

Assistance for HPS and MSGDMA IP for Agilex 7


Hi all,

I am new to working with HPS so I want some assistance regarding these and I am using Agilex 7 board:

1) Actually I am using HPS with MSGDMA IP so can we simulate the project in modelsim as the board is not available right now and if possible can you provide the steps for the above process as I am not finding any documentation related to the same

2) .c and .h file for MSGDMA IP how they are compiled in the project or utilized

3) I have download Intel SoCEDS and ARM DS i want to ask what is the main purpose of these tools for HPS 

4) I also following a project related to communication between HPS and MSGDMA using Cyclone V board in that there is one dts file as well i want to know what is the purpose of this file, like it is the file for HPS OS or it is also in modelsim simulation

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