Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16849 Discussions

Capture signal with SignalTap II with Storage Qualifiers

New Contributor II

I am struggling to get this to work. I have watched the Intel training videos about SignalTap triggers but they are so dry and don't really give any hands-on examples to follow.


I have a design which has a state machine. All I want to do is start capturing signal data when my state machine currState value becomes HANDLE_INPUT and stop capturing signal data when currState becomes RETURN_TO_IDLE.


2020-05-02 15_05_48-SignalTap II Logic Analyzer - E__FPGA Cylone Projects_SDRAMTestNonBlocking4_SDRA.png


What am I doing wrong? The trigger functionality makes no sense to me whatsoever.

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

I'm not sure why you have the storage qualifier options set to Basic OR. They should be the default of Basic AND because the qualifier needs to match all the bits in your state register to the mnemonic I presume you've set up for the state names.


Also, if you haven't already, try turning on "Disable storage qualifier" temporarily (no need to recompile for this option) to make sure your actual trigger is working.



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New Contributor II

I'm not sure why either - I got desperate because I couldn't understand how it all worked :-) I did manage to figure it all out though. The biggest problem was that I had a 32bit value for my state and the mnemonic table values were defined as 5bit. I changed the state variable to 5bit and then the trigger began to work quite happily with Storage Qualifier disabled. I then enabled Storage Qualifier and it worked.


However.. I still have issues with Storage Qualifier on occasion.. I think there is an intermittent issue in there somewhere but I can live with that.

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Honored Contributor III

What kind of other issues with storage qual have you run into?



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