Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16602 Discussions

Compare two byte arrays

Honored Contributor II

I have a list of commands and a command received from UART. 

type commands is array(0 to COM_SIZE) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal commands_list : commands(0 to COM_COUNT) := ( x"73746F700000", --stop x"667764000000", --fwd x"726576000000" --rev ); type com_str is array (0 to COM_SIZE) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal command : com_str;  


I try to compare the hole array  

for i in 0 to COM_COUNT loop if (commands_list(i) /= command) then --do something end if; end loop;  


And every byte 

for i in 0 to COM_COUNT loop for j in 0 to name_len loop if (commands_list(i)(j) /= command(j)) then --do something end if; end loop; end loop;  


In both cases I get an error 

Error (10327): VHDL error at parser.vhd(253): can't determine definition of operator ""/="" -- found 0 possible definitions
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

In the first case, you're comparing a std_logic_vector to an array of std_logic_vector. Doesn't work. 


In the 2nd case, you're comparing a std_logic to a std_logic_vector. Doesn't work either. 


I assume the problem is that the type of com_str is wrong. I guess it should really be this: 

signal command: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 

That would, from the context, make more sense to me.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

In the first case, you're comparing a std_logic_vector to an array of std_logic_vector. Doesn't work. 


In the 2nd case, you're comparing a std_logic to a std_logic_vector. Doesn't work either. 


I assume the problem is that the type of com_str is wrong. I guess it should really be this: 

signal command: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 

That would, from the context, make more sense to me. 

--- Quote End ---  


'command' is not a char - it's array of chars. this way - command: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); - it holds only one char, and I need to get array of chars from terminal.
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Honored Contributor II

Ah, now I understand. So, a "char" in your case is supposed to be a std_logic_vector with 8 bits, right? 


But then, "commands" should be an array of array of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0). You're missing one level of arrays. You try to initialize a std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) with "x"73746F700000", where "73746F700000" is 48 bits. I wonder why the compiler doesn't complain, but you have to fix that first.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Ah, now I understand. So, a "char" in your case is supposed to be a std_logic_vector with 8 bits, right? 


But then, "commands" should be an array of array of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0). You're missing one level of arrays. You try to initialize a std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) with "x"73746F700000", where "73746F700000" is 48 bits. I wonder why the compiler doesn't complain, but you have to fix that first. 

--- Quote End ---  



Yes. You are right. I need array of array - each member of array is array of chars - a command in the list. But how I should initialize it? 


type commands is array(0 to 6) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 


signal commands_list : commands(0 to 2) :=  

x"73746F700000", --stop 

x"667764000000", --fwd 

x"726576000000" --rev 



if array(0 to 6) then x"73746F700000" is 7 elements 73 74 6F 70 00 00 00. 


I was trying this way 

signal commands_list : commands_l(2 downto 0) := ( 0 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21"), --stop 1 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21"), --fwd 2 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21") --rev );  

But I get an error 

Error (10515): VHDL type mismatch error at parser.vhd(71): std_ulogic type does not match string literal
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Honored Contributor II

I agree that your approach looks correct now. 


However, without seeing the complete code, I cannot tell what's wrong. I have no clue what line 71 is, and I have no clue how the signals and types that are references in that line are declared. Keep that in mind before posting anything else. 


Anyway, here's some code that passes synthesis, and should give you the right pointers: 

type command_type is array(0 to 5) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type commands_type is array(0 to 2) of command_type; signal commands: commands_type := ( 0 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21"), --stop 1 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21"), --fwd 2 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21") --rev );
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I agree that your approach looks correct now. 


However, without seeing the complete code, I cannot tell what's wrong. I have no clue what line 71 is, and I have no clue how the signals and types that are references in that line are declared. Keep that in mind before posting anything else. 


Anyway, here's some code that passes synthesis, and should give you the right pointers: 

type command_type is array(0 to 5) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type commands_type is array(0 to 2) of command_type; signal commands: commands_type := ( 0 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21"), --stop 1 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21"), --fwd 2 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21") --rev ); 

--- Quote End ---  



The problem was different types. VHDL is very strict about it. 

This way it works 

type str_t is array(integer range<>) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type commands is array(integer range<>) of str_t(0 to COM_SIZE); constant commands_list : commands(0 to COM_COUNT) := ( 0 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21"), --stop 1 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21"), --fwd 2 => (0 => x"00", 1 => x"01", 2 => x"10", 3 => x"11", 4 => x"20", 5 => x"21") --rev ); type rx_buff_str is array (0 to RX_BUF_SIZE-1) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal rx_uart_buf : rx_buff_str; signal rx_command : str_t(0 to COM_SIZE); ---------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- for i in 0 to COM_COUNT loop if (commands_list(i) /= rx_command) then end if; end loop;
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