Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16753 Discussions

Compilation problem in the simulation tool

Honored Contributor II



I can't compile two libraries during execution of msim_steup.tcl, the simulation tool informs: 

--- Quote Start ---  

# -- Compiling entity trans_10gbaser_qsys_trans_10gbaser_megawizard_0_phy_mgmt_translator_avalon_universal_slave_0_agent 

# ** Error: (vcom-7) Failed to open library file "[...]\libraries\trans_10gbaser_qsys_trans_10gbaser_megawizard_0_phy_mgmt_translator_avalon_universal_slave_0_agent/trans_10gbaser_qsys_trans_10gbaser_megawizard_0_phy_mgmt_translator_avalon_universal_slave_0_agent" in read/write/execute mode.# No such file or directory. (errno = ENOENT) 

--- Quote End ---  

(I added myself the three dots of course). 


I identified the two lines in msim_setup.tcl which are the problem: 

--- Quote Start ---  

vcom "$QSYS_SIMDIR/submodules/trans_10gbaser_qsys_trans_10gbaser_megawizard_0_phy_mgmt_translator_avalon_universal_slave_0_agent.vho" -work trans_10gbaser_qsys_trans_10gbaser_megawizard_0_phy_mgmt_translator_avalon_universal_slave_0_agent 

vcom "$QSYS_SIMDIR/submodules/trans_10gbaser_qsys_alt_xcvr_reconfig_0_reconfig_mgmt_translator_avalon_universal_slave_0_agent.vho" -work trans_10gbaser_qsys_alt_xcvr_reconfig_0_reconfig_mgmt_translator_avalon_universal_slave_0_agent  


--- Quote End ---  

What did I do wrong? What can I do please?
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I resolved the problem: the access path is too long for the compiler of the simulation tool ( Questasim 10.0d ). 

I had to put the submodules folder with the related .vhd at the root of a partition of the harddisk... 


Thanks Altera
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