Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16708 Discussions

DE5 Acceleration Board Driver Issue After Update

Honored Contributor II

I recently installed DE5net board from Terasic, which worked fine until I installed Quartus/AOCL SDK update 3 and 4. After re-installing the driver using "aocl install" command, the board will not pass diagnostic.  


Here is the error under Linux: 

running diagnostic for : acl0 

driver version: 13.1. 

expected version starting with: 13.1.4  

using platform: altera sdk for opencl 

failed clgetdeviceids. 

error code: -1 

aocl diagnostic: failed. 


And error under Windows: 

running doagnostic for : ac10 

expected mmd version: v13.1 

received mmd version: v13.1.4 

assertion failded: 0 && "buf mismatch", file acl_hal_mmd.c, line 250" 


this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 

please contact the application's support team for more information. 

aocl diagnostic: failed. 


I can still flash or program the board with .aocx files compiled with any version of Quartus just fine, but host programs no-longer works (clgetdeviceids returns -1 ), even after I flashed it with an .aocx file compiled with the updated version of Quartus. Only reverting to the version of Quartus/AOCL SDK will fix the issue. 


After contacting the author of the Linux version of the driver, he kindly provided me with a solution: simply change the version number in the version.h file of the driver source code to 13.1.4 and recompile the driver. This worked perfectly for my Linux setup and I am now able to use DE5 board with updated version of Quartus/AOCL SDK. 


This fix however, does not seem to work under Windows since the Windows driver is close sourced. I am just wondering if anyone knows if there is a fix for Windows as well, or if Altera/Terasic plans to release an updated version of driver for DE5 board in the future. Thanks! 


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8 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I believe the solution to this problem is to get an updated driver from Terasic. I don't know of their plans so I recommend contacting them about this. I'm asking my coworkers to see if they know of a way to do this without updating the driver and will let you know what I find out.

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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for the reply BadOmen! I sent a request to Terasic support already. Hopefully we could receive a update soon. I have no problem working with Linux, but it would be nice if we could get the Windows setup to work as well.

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Honored Contributor II

Hello BadOmen, 


I couldn't reply to your PM as I am keep getting "To be able to send PMs your post count must be 10 or greater" message. Basically I did not hear back anything from Terasic. It would be great if you could bring this up to them. 




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Honored Contributor II

I just bumped your post count out to 10 so that should give you more forum functionality. I will ask our marketing team to touch base with Terasic to see if they can speed up the board support update to the latest tools.

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Honored Contributor II

I have the same problem. If there is a work-around that does not involve uninstalling the patch, let us know. Thanks!

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Honored Contributor II

Is there any clarity for the "Expected" versus "Received" MMD Version?  

Is Expected the current version of Quartus II I have installed of the version the FPGA Board Expects to see?
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Honored Contributor II

The expected version is what the software driver is expecting to see. The received version is what was read out of the hardware populated in the FPGA. So by the sounds of it the driver was not updated to match the hardware revision. 


If you haven't already filed a service request with Altera then I recommend doing so and reference this post. It might be possible to update the patched install so with a service request that'll make it possible to send you the files needed. 


I would also continue to ping Terasic about this since it looks like they need to update their board support files.
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Honored Contributor II

For those of you affected by this, can you double check to see if you installed the 13.1 update 4 OpenCL SDK over the previous 13.1 installation. I suspect what might have happened is that the tools were installed to a different directory and as a result the SDK is not updated as intended. The update installer lets you install to any location on your file system so this scenerio is possible to run into.

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