Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Features of Intel FPGA


What are the advantages of Intel FPGAs over Xilinx FPGAs?

For example, if you consider the case of moving from Spartan (Airtex) series to Cyclone series, what are the advantages?

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2 Replies
New Contributor I

Hi, your question has no answer on how is posed.

FPGA market is shared between Xilinx, ALtera (now Intel but I prefer remember as Altera), Lattice and marginal Microsemi, QuickLogic (other I forget or don't know).

I suppose old marginal producer quit from scene.


About your question:

How many proprietary IP core you developed on Family and how are implemented on? Are using special feature of family?


Why are you asking this relative to design tool? Compare ISE/Vivado with Quartus?


Are you developing on Spartan? On braces Airtex sound odd, Virtex or Artix?

Are you proficient on family and tool or just simple ask spot on which one to select from?


Target device Cyclone, Cyclone V or Cyclone 10? (I don't think about old 2 3 4 series)

Which application are you targeting to on your mind?


Lattice too has comparable devices, but I think a similar question require evaluation of reason to migrate away from one family/producer spending a lot of time learning new tool or devices.

So your question cannot be answered about comparable technology.

The only family has no counterpart is MAX10, share CPLD FPGA and uC feature, cons price raised a lot more than doubling from release.

Best regards



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Hi ,

I would recommend to consider the below factors before deciding the part.

  1. Logical utilization
  2. Cost
  3. Functionality



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