Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16604 Discussions

Hello, I would like to know how do I code fixed point arithmetics (add/sub/divide/multiply/abs/round) for cyclone V FPGA device. I am coding VHDL on Quartus prime standard edition version 18.1

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3 Replies
New Contributor II

Hello DKras4


Your question is very broad.

It would be easier to help you if your question was more specific.

What kind of project are you working on?

There is a manual at for fixed point arithmatic with a lot of ip . However the standard IEEE vhdl libaries can also get you where you want depending on Your needs.

Best Regards,


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In the fixed point user manual at the section "About IP cores" I can see that the target device is Arria 10 only and support only by PRO version of Quartus.

My target device is CYCLONE 5 and I am using Prime Standard version.

To be more specific :

1)Where I can find the Fix Point IPs in the IP catalog or Qsys of the Prime Standard edition?

2)Lets say I want to write function by myself that implement add/mult of the fix point numbers.

How can I do it?

Where I can get package that supports FIX point signed/unsigned numbers?



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New Contributor II

Hello DKras4


IP blocks for calculations can be found as indicated above.

Included one of my test projects I am working on, it does calculations in floating point and fixed point with ip blocks (and a natural logarithm ln()). You might get some inspiration out of it. All is targeted Cyclone V DE10_STANDARD.


If you want to do only simple fixed point calculations, you can code it directly in VHDL, no need for IP blocks.

Below a timer component that effectively counts clock pulses to wait for a certain period of time.

The objective of the block is to extend the signal "Ein" for a certain period of time.

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all;entity ent_sa_timer is generic( clk_f : in real:=50.0E6; t : in time:=1sec); port( clk : in std_logic; reset_p: in std_logic:='0'; ein : in std_logic; aus : out std_logic); end entity;     architecture arch_sa_timer of ent_sa_timer is   signal ctr : integer:=0; signal T_Clock : time:=1.0/clk_f*1sec; signal ein_local : std_logic;   begin process (clk, reset_p) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if ein_local='1' then ctr<=ctr; elsif ctr>0 then ctr<=ctr-1; end if; ein_local<=ein; end if; end process; aus<='1' when ctr>0 else '0'; end architecture;

The line ctr<=ctr-1 decreases the value of ctr with 1 each time there is a rising_edge of clk.

You can do all kinds of mathematical functions with it mod * + / etc. and you can combine other variables as well.

No need to parametrize Ip blocks for these simple functions.

Best Regards,





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