Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16672 Discussions

How do I split a bus into individual signal lines?

Honored Contributor II

I have a schematic that is supposed to take a 4 bit bus and then split off the individual lines into TTL logic. I created a 4 bit bus pin "in[3..0]" then connected a bus line. Then connected individual node lines from that to the TTL logic. The problem is that it wont let me specify which individual node line I want. I tried right clicking the node line and then properties, but there is nothing useful there. It would probably work if there was a way to give the individual node line a name like "in[0]" or similar.  


I found a help file that said to highlight the node line and then go to the edit menu and click "Line Properties" but no such thing exists. There is a "properties" but it is deactivated. Another help file said this: 



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You open this dialog box by right-clicking a node in the all pins or groups list and then clicking node properties


Allows you to view the node name and view or change the assignments for the selected node. You can assign a specific pin to the node, create an I/O standard assignment, and reserve the pin for future use. You can also view specific location and function information about the pin. 



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But there is no "All pins" button anywhere that I can find. 


Does anybody know how to make buses work properly in Quartus v15? I searched and found nothing useful.
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11 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I always connect by name. I create a bus, select it, and start typing the name.

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Honored Contributor II

Thanks. That seemed to work. Its just not very intuitive the way they do it like that. The help files sent me all over the place looking for a secret icon to click so I could bring up the node name editor. 


It looks good on the screen, but it will be a few days before I can connect everything well enough to compile it to see if it actually works. I will post the results then.
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Honored Contributor II

UPDATE: The design compiled and worked fine. Thanks again. Clicking and then simply typing the node name (with no prompts) worked fine. Its easy to do once you know how. Kind of like an Easter egg. I have no idea why Altera wants to confuse people with complicated instructions that don't work. 


I had a similar experience trying to figure out how to make a logic symbol out of a schematic block. Again, the altera instructions sent me off in multiple wrong directions. I came across an EDU site that explained how to do it correctly in three clicks: FILE->Create->Symbol file from current file 


Anyhow, I'm glad this place is here to help explain things to people like myself who are not familiar with the software yet.
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Honored Contributor II

The poor instructions probably come from the fact the schematics editors are not used very much. As soon as you have a design with any complexity, anyone would recomend you use a pure HDL approach (its easier to put in a version control tool and easier to testbench).

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Honored Contributor II

It does seem that a lot of people are going HDL. 


I like schematic design because its easy for me to debug. I can just look at it and tell what its doing and what's wrong. I'm sure other people can do the same with HDL, but not me. I know HDL has several advantages, but one thing I did notice is that the HDL version of my project (done by others) took about 4X as many LE's as my schematic version did. The schematic version consisted entirely of logic primitives and TTL blocks so I didn't do any intensive optimizing. 


That said, my next task is to figure out how to import HDL blocks into a schematic. Some of the Altera library components are HDL blocks so I know it can be done. I am thinking it is similar to the way its done with schematic blocks, but we'll see.
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Honored Contributor II


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It does seem that a lot of people are going HDL. 

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Since I started in FPGA land 10 years ago schematics were frowned upon. 



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I like schematic design because its easy for me to debug. I can just look at it and tell what its doing and what's wrong. I'm sure other people can do the same with HDL, but not me. I know HDL has several advantages, but one thing I did notice is that the HDL version of my project (done by others) took about 4X as many LE's as my schematic version did. The schematic version consisted entirely of logic primitives and TTL blocks so I didn't do any intensive optimizing. 


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This really comes down to the designer. Im sure it would work just as well in HDL as in schematic if it was done properly.  

Im sure youre design was very clever and worked well, but would someone else have understood it? I have never seen a well commented schematic, and while I have seen some terrible code, I would rather work out whats going on from poorly commented code than a schematic. I have spent weeks trying to understand and fix someone elses terrible (and undocumented) schematics - they had links crossing all over the place, with named association spanning vast distances across pages. How am I meant to find a bug in that? 


So - for me: 


- It can look neat at a higher level 



- Cannot be used with version control (you get no visualisation of changes over time) 

- Cannot be directly simulated (you need a netlist or convert to HDL to simulate) 

- Easily becomes a mess 

- not easy to add comments 



At the end of the day - without HDL knowledge, your job market is going to be severely limited, if not non-existant.
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Honored Contributor II

I'm actually an embedded software engineer so any hardware design is a plus and not usually a requirement. In any case, I would disagree about the version control on schematics because they are just text files and you can look at them using Notepad. I wouldn't recommend editing them that way, but any text file can be added to a version control system. However, if you are talking about a system that highlights the differences in a graphical format, then that's a different matter. 


I first did FPGA's in the late 90's using Xilinx. HDL was in its infancy back then and usually cost a lot extra since it was an add-on to the main license (which wasn't free back then). The lead EE where I worked switched my design to Altera (I'm software), but I've never used Altera myself until now. We used Flex 10K's on our production boards back then.  


I'll probably start working with HDL at some point, but right now I'm sticking with what I know. I am getting fair at reading it, but writing it is more difficult. 


I think any design can be messed up by someone trying to be clever with the design. I make schematics the same way I write code - in modules with no implicit linkage to anything else. The only exception is Gnd and Vcc. If there is no pin, there is no connection. I don't use named wires for the reasons you mentioned. 


The HDL code that the other guy wrote who did the same project seemed sloppy, but since I'm not a verilog expert, I can't say for sure. In my schematic design, I created a single main counter/divider for all the little clocks that are used in the design. In his HDL design, he just passes the main 48M clock to everything and all the circuits just have their own private 32 bit dividers to get the frequency they want. It doesn't seem all that efficient, but then again, you never know how the optimizer is going to handle it. 


So for right now, I picked up a Cycone IV E board and am playing with it. I'm not sure how far 6000 LE's will go, but the ultimate goal is to make an IBM PC VGA compatible controller. Its actually rather complicated considering all the different video modes and that they all work differently. Too complex for TTL logic. If it was just plain jane VGA, I could just do that with a PIC or AVR or something. 


Anyhow, right now I'm just learning the basics of the Altera software.
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Honored Contributor II


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I'm actually an embedded software engineer so any hardware design is a plus and not usually a requirement. In any case, I would disagree about the version control on schematics because they are just text files and you can look at them using Notepad. I wouldn't recommend editing them that way, but any text file can be added to a version control system. However, if you are talking about a system that highlights the differences in a graphical format, then that's a different matter. 

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The main problem is that if you move an item, and the circuit does not change, the .bdf file changes. Plus, reading the file to see what has actually changed is not trivial. 



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I make schematics the same way I write code - in modules with no implicit linkage to anything else. 


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This should also be the philosphy behind HDLs.  


I highly recommend you get on with learning an HDL. If you're confident with logic there is no need for schematics, and you can build some powerful testbenches.
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Honored Contributor II

I'll probably complete this design with schematics and then migrate each module to HDL one at a time. There are a lot of things I don't know about HDL. Take the following counter code (one of many from the other guy): 


reg cnt; always @(posedge clk) begin cnt = cnt + 1'b1; end 


So common sense tells me that this is a 32 bit counter - but is that an asynchronous or synchronous counter? In my schematic design, I just used simple ripple counters because I didn't need synchronous for a clock divider.  


And does the software implement the above "+" sign as a counter or as a 32 bit adder with full carry look ahead? Would "cnt = cnt + 3'b101;" work? Mathematically speaking, adding 1 to a number is a counter, but electronically, adders are considerably more complicated and are going to suck up more LE's on the chip.
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Honored Contributor II


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So common sense tells me that this is a 32 bit counter - but is that an asynchronous or synchronous counter? In my schematic design, I just used simple ripple counters because I didn't need synchronous for a clock divider.  


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Its a synchronous counter, because the addition occurs on the rising edge of the clock. 

And can I stop you before you carry on down your asynchronous path - FPGAs are designed to be synchronous. Ripple counters, logic generated clocks etc are a bad idea inside an FPGA. The delays and skew in the clocks will be dependant on the P&R and also PVT. So what works one time may not work the next time you compile it, or when it gets hot etc. And you cannot perform timing analysis on an asynchronous design. 


So it is highly recommended you use the same clock as much as possible and generate clock enables to divide any clock - not ripple counters or logic generated clocks. 



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And does the software implement the above "+" sign as a counter or as a 32 bit adder with full carry look ahead? Would "cnt = cnt + 3'b101;" work? Mathematically speaking, adding 1 to a number is a counter, but electronically, adders are considerably more complicated and are going to suck up more LE's on the chip. 

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It will be a 32 bit adder with full carry look ahead because thats what the code asked for - and how the FPGA is optimised. The luts in the FPGA all have a high speed carry chain exactly for this purpose. 

And yes, cnt = cnt + 3'b101 would also work just fine, the same way, and probably just as fast as 1'b1. 


With devices as they are now, logic is not usually the limiting factor in designs - the problems usually come with lack of RAMs, DSPs or routing resources.
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Honored Contributor II

I haven't had time to play with it, but I noticed that the software has a "convert schematic to HDL file" option. It should be interesting to see what code it generates.  


I found this code example of an HDL ripple counter: 

module counter( clk, count ); input clk; output count; reg count; wire clk; initial count = 4'b0; always @( negedge clk ) count <= ~count; always @( negedge count ) count <= ~count; always @( negedge count ) count <= ~count; always @( negedge count ) count <= ~count; endmodule 


It is certainly more complicated from the source code point of view, but I am going to have to experiment to see which version uses fewer LE's. It looks like a series of one bit synchronous counters which is what a ripple counter is. There are no "+" signs. 


The thing about ripple counters and FPGA's is just what you said, however, if your logic doesn't care about the parallel output, then a ripple counter is fine. In my clock dividers, the only thing I care about is that the output of a particular pin is a stable frequency. Ripple counters are fine for that since I'm not interested in the counter output as a whole and propagation delay is mostly irrelevant in that case. When I actually start work on the VGA controller, the timing is far more critical and synchronous counters are the only things that will work. 


Right now I'm working on an RS-232 asynchronous serial port. I know I'm just reinventing the wheel, but its how I learn.
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