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Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17039 Discussions

How to Change USB-Blaster II Port number - Cable name


I am a newbie with Altera and Quartus, so my questions and terminology may not be phrased correctly. Nevertheless, here are my questions.


  1. How is the Hardware Port number assigned within Quartus?
  2. Can the Hardware Port number be controlled (manually assigned ) and how?
  3. Is the Hardware Port number and Cable name related?


I ask these questions because, I have a setup consisting of Windows 11, Quartus Prime Lite Edition Version 22.1std.1 and Altera USB Blaster II.  My USB Blaster II has a default Port value USB-1. See my uploaded images.




Hardware Setup2.png


This setup is confirmed operational. I can successfully flash an image to target. However, I am now trying to use this same setup to interface to legacy applications. It's unsuccessful. The legacy applications are hard coded with different Hardware USB values, e.g., USB-2, USB-3, USB-4, etc.


Note:  Modifying the legacy applications is a no go.


I have searched within Windows for how to change the USB Blaster II Hardware Port value with no success. I have tried to use the Command Line at quartus_pgm -h but I am not sure what if any option is the correct option. So, if anyone in the Community can assist me, then thank you in advance! 

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5 Replies
Honored Contributor III

What do you mean "legacy applications"?  I'm pretty sure you can only program a device from Quartus or the Quartus Programmer.  I've never heard of other apps working with a USB Blaster.

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Thank you for your quick reply! You are correct, we can only program a device from Quartus or the Quartus Programmer. Legacy is not an issue. I added that text to reference that the overall software application, which entails some automation for programming a target is no longer supported and I have no means to update/modify. The application is not an issue. I seek knowledge about how a USB Blaster II is assigned a Port value. If you have feedback to my specific questions, then it's greatly appreciated.

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Valued Contributor II

I believe the info is stored in the Windows Registry (on Windows, on Linux IDK).

In my registry I see:


And I have two USB Blaster devices on my system (a TerASIC blaster clone and a DE1 development board).

As expected, the blasters are indexed by their USB 'Device ID' value (ie, VID/PID string values).

I have no idea if you can play with the index values (0, 1) and rename those to (3, 4, etc).



Thank you for your quick reply. Your comments and the screenshot are very helpful in my search! I'm using Windows 11 and will try to view my Registry for device details. Again, thank you!! 

0 Kudos


As your question has been addressed by our community users, I shall proceed to close this case.

I now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you.



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