Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16606 Discussions

How to instantiate a float point IP in OpenCL-HDL hybrid flow?

Honored Contributor II

I am putting a verilog module into OpenCL, and in the verilog, a float point ip is used.  

Previously in pure HDL flow, I use .ip file with no problem. but now in OpenCL flow, seems .ip file is not supported. Then I am having problem instantiate this module. 


I am using arria 10, and the ip is arria 10 naitive floating point adder with 3 stage pipeline. 


What should I do? Please help.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I find some float point modules in hld/ip directory. These modules can be instantiated without problem. However, this didn't solve my problem, because I customized 3 stage float point adder using IP Parameter Editor. But in the hld/ip directory, there is no exact type. 


Still expecting the answer. Can this be done by setting some parameters for twentynm_fp_mac? 





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I am putting a verilog module into OpenCL, and in the verilog, a float point ip is used.  

Previously in pure HDL flow, I use .ip file with no problem. but now in OpenCL flow, seems .ip file is not supported. Then I am having problem instantiate this module. 


I am using arria 10, and the ip is arria 10 naitive floating point adder with 3 stage pipeline. 


What should I do? Please help. 

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