Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16628 Discussions

I use recommend vhdl to instantiate alter ram. How can I add the sclr control to the code?


I include the sclr control in my code, but it will not connect to the sclr pin of altera_syncram. I tried to instantiate a ram ip, and enable the sclr, I can see that my sclr will connect to the sclr pin. Is there a way to add the sclr in the vhdl code? The following is the code:




   if rising_edge(l_clk) then 

    if l_wr_en = '1' then

     ram(l_addr) <= l_wr_data;

    end if;


    if srst = '1' then

     r_rd_data_i <= (others => '-');

    elsif r_rd_en then

     r_rd_data_i <= ram((r_addr);


     r_rd_data_i <= r_rd_data_i;

    end if;

    r_rd_data <= r_rd_data_i;

   end if;

  end process;

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7 Replies
New Contributor I

Try changing (others => '-') to (others => '0'). Alternatively, are you sure you want the reset on r_rd_data_i and not r_rd_data?

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"but it will not connect to the sclr pin of altera_syncram" -- Can you provide the complete code or project file(Project -> Archive project)?

"Is there a way to add the sclr in the vhdl code? " -- what error/simulation result you observed?



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Thank you very much for your supply.


I am doing some research on how to use alter_syncram of Stratix 10. We are moving from Arria 10 to stratix 10. Before, we use ip editor to instantiate altersyncram of Arria 10 by setting parameters, such as:


   altsyncram_inst : altsyncram

   generic map (

    init_file        => init_file,

    address_aclr_b     => "NONE",

    address_reg_b      => "CLOCK1",

    clock_enable_input_a  => CLOCK_ENABLE_IO_AB,

    clock_enable_input_b  => CLOCK_ENABLE_IO_AB,

    clock_enable_output_b  => CLOCK_ENABLE_IO_AB,

    intended_device_family => getAlteraDeviceName(DEVICE),

    lpm_type        => "altsyncram",

    numwords_a       => 2**l_a_width,

    numwords_b       => 2**R_A_WIDTH_EFFECTIVE,

    operation_mode     => "DUAL_PORT",

    outdata_aclr_b     => "CLEAR1",

    outdata_reg_b      => "CLOCK1",

    power_up_uninitialized => "FALSE",

    ram_block_type     => ram_type,

    rdcontrol_reg_b     => "CLOCK1",

    widthad_a        => l_a_width,

    widthad_b        => R_A_WIDTH_EFFECTIVE,

    width_a         => l_d_width,

    width_b         => R_D_WIDTH_EFFECTIVE,

    width_byteena_a     => 1


   port map (

    -- asynch reset

    aclr1      => arst,

    -- left port clock domain

    clock0     => l_clk,

    wren_a     => l_wr_en,

    address_a    => l_addr,

    data_a     => l_wr_data,

    -- right port clock domain

    clock1     => r_clk,

    rden_b     => r_rd_en,

    address_b    => r_addr,

    q_b       => r_rd_data



This method is device dependent, because the parameter of "intended_device_family". We found the Qaurtus will implement a ram if we define a 2-D array in our VHDL code. I feel this method is more flexible and device independent, which is easier to move from one device to another. Now we are doing test to see the difference. The following is some problems we met.


(1) By using ip editor, we can see the "sclr" signal can be enabled by checking the corresponding setting in ip editor, and the external control is connected to the slcr pin of RAM:

Screenshot from 2019-06-17 09-23-55.png


The following is the VHDL code with sclr signal, which is modified based on the template from Quartus prime pro:

-- Quartus Prime VHDL Template

-- True Dual-Port RAM with dual clocks


-- This style of RAM cannot be used on Stratix 10, 

-- which does not support True Dual Port RAM with dual clocks


library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


use IEEE.numeric_std.all;


entity dp_dc_ram is




DATA_WIDTH : natural := 8;

ADDR_WIDTH : natural := 6





l_clk : in std_logic;

r_clk : in std_logic;

l_addr : in natural range 0 to 2**ADDR_WIDTH - 1;

r_addr : in natural range 0 to 2**ADDR_WIDTH - 1;

l_wr_data : in std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0);

r_wr_data : in std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0);

l_wr_en : in std_logic := '1';

r_wr_en : in std_logic := '1';

l_rd_data : out std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH -1) downto 0);

r_rd_data : out std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH -1) downto 0);

sclr : in std_logic;

l_rd_en : in std_logic;

r_rd_en : in std_logic



end dp_dc_ram;


architecture rtl of dp_dc_ram is


-- Build a 2-D array type for the RAM

subtype word_t is std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0);

type memory_t is array(2**ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) of word_t;


-- Declare the RAM 

shared variable d_ram : memory_t;

signal l_rd_data_i : std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH -1) downto 0);

signal r_rd_data_i : std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH -1) downto 0);




-- Port A



   if rising_edge(l_clk) then 

    if l_wr_en = '1' then

     d_ram(l_addr) := l_wr_data;

    end if;

   end if;

  end process;


  process (l_clk)


   if rising_edge(l_clk) then

    -- On a read during a write to the same address, the read will

    -- return the OLD data at the address

    if sclr = '1' then

     l_rd_data_i <= (others => '0');

    elsif l_rd_en then

     l_rd_data_i <= d_ram(l_addr);


     l_rd_data_i <= l_rd_data_i;

    end if;

 l_rd_data <= l_rd_data_i;

   end if;

  end process;



  -- Read and wirte operation on right port.



   if rising_edge(r_clk) then 

    if r_wr_en = '1' then

     d_ram(r_addr) := r_wr_data;

    end if;

   end if;

  end process;




   if rising_edge(r_clk) then

    -- On a read during a write to the same address, the read will

    -- return the OLD data at the address

    if sclr = '1' then

     r_rd_data_i <= (others => '0');

    elsif r_rd_en then

     r_rd_data_i <= d_ram(r_addr);


     r_rd_data_i <= r_rd_data_i;

    end if;

 r_rd_data <= r_rd_data_i;

   end if;

  end process;


end rtl;


The rtl circuit is:

Screenshot from 2019-06-17 09-58-12.png

Comparing the two rtl circuits, you can the sclr doesn't connect the sclr pin of ram in the later one. And the same situation happens to the DFF as well. Is there anything wrong from my code, or should there be any parameters to enable the sclr of ram?


(2) The other question is about the implementation of true dual port dual clock ram. From ip editor, it only supports two read/write ports with input/output clock, which means all input signal are registered by clock0, and all output signals are registered by clock1. In this case, my understanding is that all signals except q_a and q_b are using clock0, is that correct? We need to use a two port ram with independent clocks: port A is driven by clock0, ad port B is driven by clock1. It seems there is no problem if we use vhdl to implement it (please see the above code and rtl circuit, the r_clk is connected to portB clk), but can not with ip editor. Is there any limitation to use true dual ports with independent clocks?


Thank you very much!




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Hi Xin,

1. The code provided over here, having multiple errors,please provide code which has been compiled without error if possible provide project file(.qar)(Project menu-> Archive Project)  

2. true dual port dual clock ram. From ip editor, it only supports two read/write ports with input/output clock, which means all input signal are registered by clock0, and all output signals are registered by clock1. In this case, my understanding is that all signals except q_a and q_b are using clock0, is that correct? -- --here output clock will control only the data output registers & rest of the registers are controlled by input clock.

3. We need to use a two port ram with independent clocks: port A is driven by clock0, ad port B is driven by clock1. --- You have to use Read/Write Clock Mode.

4. Is there any limitation to use true dual ports with independent clocks? --- Yes,this can be done using Emulate TDP dual clock mode & this option is available only if you select With two read/write ports and Customize clocks for A and B ports clocking method. 

Refer the below user guide for more details,




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Hi Vicky, Thank you very much for your reply. Attached is my archived project. My question is how I could add the synchronous reset to the code. As you can see, I have a “srst”, but it does not shown on the RTL. For the case of “REL_SP_SC”, “SMP_DP_SC”, “SMP_DP_DC”, all of them can be implemented with RAM block, but no “srst”. The other question is about the implementation of true dual port dual clock RAM, which is the case of “TRU_DP_DC” in my code. I try to implement true dual port RAM different “input/output” clock, as in my code. I give the same clock for writing for both ports, and same clock for reading for both ports. But it fails to instantiate a RAM block, but with logic cells. If I try to implement a true dual port RAM with independent clock for each port, I.e., clk_a for port A read and write, clk_b for port B read and write, Quartus cannot synthesis my code at all. Here, I copied the template from Quartus for true dual port dual clock -- Port A process(clk_a) begin if(rising_edge(clk_a)) then if(we_a = '1') then ram(addr_a) := data_a; end if; q_a <= ram(addr_a); end if; end process; -- Port B process(clk_b) begin if(rising_edge(clk_b)) then if(we_b = '1') then ram(addr_b) := data_b; end if; q_b <= ram(addr_b); end if; end process; Is the above code to implement a Emulate TDP? How could I add “srst” control to it? Thanks a lot! Xin Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10
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Hi Vicky, It seems like the following code I copied from Quartus template is not supported for stratix 10. If I want to use Emulate TDP, is it possible instantiate by using VHDL code? Or I have to use the IP editor? Thank you very much! Xin Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10
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Hi Xin,

As I suggested in previous post , If you want to use Emulate TDP in your project then you have to fulfill the requirement as mentioned in user guide.

Another way is you can generate the HDL(*.vh,*v) file for Emulate TDP & then modify that HDL file as per your requirement, eventually you should verify it by writing testbench for that.



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