Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

License Server Issue


We have installed the license server to accommodate our floating license, but mgcld will not start and there is no apparent reason why. Below is the output from LMTOOLS and lmgrd.


The following is from LMTOOLS:

FlexNet diagnostics on Wed 4/6/2022 08:55

License file: C:\Intel_Quartus_Prime\LR-076349_License.dat
"mgcvipae" v2023.03, vendor: mgcld, expiry: 30-mar-2023
vendor_string: A7BA0A16
License server: qt-utility
floating license starts: 30-mar-2022, expires: 30-mar-2023

This license cannot be checked out because:
The desired vendor daemon is down.
Check the lmgrd log file, or try lmreread.
Feature: mgcvipae
Vendor:Host: qt-utility
License path: C:\Intel_Quartus_Prime\LR-076349_License.dat;
FlexNet Licensing error:-97,121


The following is from lmgrd when starting the server:

8:36:23 (lmgrd) License file(s): c:\intel_quartus_prime\lr-076349_license.dat
8:36:23 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 1800
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) ===============================================
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) === LMGRD ===
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Start-Date: Wed Apr 06 2022 08:36:23 Pacific Daylight Time
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) PID: 19392
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) LMGRD Version: v11.16.4.0 build 252457 i86_n3 ( build 252457 (ipv6))
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@)
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) === Network Info ===
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Listening port: 1800
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@)
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) === Startup Info ===
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Is LS run as a service: No
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Server Configuration: Single Server
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) Command-line options used at LS startup: -c c:\intel_quartus_prime\lr-076349_license.dat
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) License file(s) used: c:\intel_quartus_prime\lr-076349_license.dat
8:36:23 (lmgrd) (@lmgrd-SLOG@) ===============================================
8:36:23 (lmgrd) SLOG: FNPLS-INTERNAL-VL1-4096
8:36:23 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
8:36:24 (lmgrd) Started alterad (pid 17960)
8:36:24 (lmgrd) License server manager (lmgrd) startup failed:
8:36:24 (lmgrd) CreateProcess error code: 0x1 File= C:\intelFPGA_pro\21.4\ip\altera\mentor_vip_ae\common\win64\mgls\lib
8:36:24 (lmgrd) License server manager (lmgrd) startup failed:
8:36:24 (lmgrd) CreateProcess error code: 0x1 File= mgcld.exe
8:36:24 (lmgrd) alterad using TCP-port 64887

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15 Replies



Welcome to Intel forum. To further understand the issue, could you get me the:

1) Debug/error.log file

2) Machine OS information

3) Quartus version used

4) Output of “lmutil lmstat –a –c <port>@<address>” server and client

5) error message screenshot (if any)

6) license .dat file


For privacy, you can also reply/attach file in private message

0 Kudos

1.  debug.log attached

2. Windows Server 2016 Standard

3. Quartus Prime Ver. 21.4.0 Build 67 12/06/2021 SC Pro Edition

4. lmutil output from license server

c:\intelFPGA_pro\21.4\ip\altera\mentor_vip_ae\common\linux_x86_64\mgls\bin>lmutil lmstat -a -c 1800@qt-utility
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2019 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
Flexible License Manager status on Thu 4/7/2022 08:49

[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
License server status: 1800@qt-utility
License file(s) on qt-utility: c:\intel_quartus_prime\lr-076349_license.dat:

qt-utility: license server UP (MASTER) v11.16.4

Vendor daemon status (on qt-utility):

alterad: UP v11.16.2
Feature usage info:

Users of ip_base: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of maxplus2verilog: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of maxplus2vhdl: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of quartus_nonvolatile_encryption: (Total of 2 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of sw_pe: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of maxplus2: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of quartus_pro: (Total of 2 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of quartus: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of 6AF7_0034: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of 6AF7_00D8: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of 6AF7_0014: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

mgcld: The desired vendor daemon is down. (-97,121)


lmutil output from client

 alterad: UP v11.16.2

Feature usage info:

Users of ip_base:  (Total of 1 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of maxplus2verilog:  (Total of 1 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of maxplus2vhdl:  (Total of 1 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of quartus_nonvolatile_encryption:  (Total of 2 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of sw_pe:  (Total of 1 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of maxplus2:  (Total of 1 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of quartus_pro:  (Total of 2 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of quartus:  (Total of 1 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of 6AF7_0034:  (Total of 1 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of 6AF7_00D8:  (Total of 1 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of 6AF7_0014:  (Total of 1 license issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

     mgcld: No socket connection to license server manager. (-7,10015)


5.  see Questa_license_error file

6. license file attached

0 Kudos



Thanks for update. 1) Windows Server 2016 version is not an officially support OS for Questa. An unsupported platform means that some things may work, but others not, and we won't put any resources into debugging or diagnosing. We recommended to use the right OS for Questa.


2) And could you help re-confirm your environment variable setup again? You need to set your LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to point to the license that Intel provides. c:\intel\license.dat or something similar.


You can refer to link on how to set environment variable.

To make this entry, you may perform a windows Search for "System Variables" and then click on "Edit the System Environment Variables" and then click "Environment Variables". Be aware that you must add the entry in System variables, not user variables.        


Specifying the License for the Questa


Finally, you must allow firewall access to those port numbers.

0 Kudos
  1. We are using Windows Server 2016 for the license server. Windows 10 is the primary client. We are trying to set up the license server to accommodate a floating license.
  2. The LM_LICENSE_FILE system variable is set to 1800@qt-utility. This is the license server.
  3. The issue is that mgcld is not starting on the license server.
0 Kudos

Thanks for update. Could you help to upgrade the license vendor daemon software to the newer version and try it.  

•           The new version is (mgcld) and (alterad)


Please stop and restart the server after upgrade. Shutdown/kill all the license service and restart server and client back from ground zero to see if it works?

0 Kudos

The problem is persisting. The debug log indicates that mgcld.exe is not found.  LMTOOLS also indicates that FNLS is not running. Is that significant?


0 Kudos



As I understand, the error causes:

·      Wrong/Corrupted license file.

·      The mgcld service is pointing to wrong location (either the license file or the debug.log is in a different directory).

The most commonly caused is the ports are being used or a VPN/Firewall setting stopping the connection.

If you have a Firewall or have other License servers running on the same machine you may need to change the Server Ports.

0 Kudos
  • I'm not sure how the license file could be corrupted. Licenses dependent on alterad can be checked out, but those dependent on mgcld cannot. 
  • I'm not sure what is meant by your second bullet point. Are you referring to the path in the license file? Which instance of mgcld should the license file be configured for? The debug.log is capturing log data, so I'm not sure that its location is relevant.

Attached is a screenshot of the firewall port settings. All 3 ports specified in the license file are open to the internal network.

0 Kudos



In the debug.log txt file you send, the (alterad) is still use old version (11.16). Could you help upgrade both to new version - (mgcld) and (alterad)

I’m suspecting the error due to an old version daemon and report back if error still happen with

·      Output of “lmutil lmstat –a –c <port>@<address>” client

·      New debug.log report

0 Kudos

LMTOOLS is still reporting " mgcld: The desired vendor daemon is down."


Output of “lmutil lmstat –a –c <port>@<address>”

C:\Users\admin>lmutil lmstat -a -c 1800@
lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2021 Flexera. All Rights Reserved.
Flexible License Manager status on Thu 4/14/2022 09:42

[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
License server status: 1800@qt-utility
License file(s) on qt-utility: C:\Intel_Quartus_Prime\LR-076349_License.dat:

qt-utility: license server UP (MASTER) v11.18.2

Vendor daemon status (on qt-utility):

alterad: UP v11.18.2
Feature usage info:

Users of ip_base: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of maxplus2verilog: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of maxplus2vhdl: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of quartus_nonvolatile_encryption: (Total of 2 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of sw_pe: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of maxplus2: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of quartus_pro: (Total of 2 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of quartus: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of 6AF7_0034: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of 6AF7_00D8: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

Users of 6AF7_0014: (Total of 1 license issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)

mgcld: No socket connection to license server manager. (-7,10015)

0 Kudos


Thanks for update. Based on .log report, the mgcld path/file is not found(lmgrd) File not found, mgcld.exe”.

Could help to check this and update the VENDOR mgcld C:<path> in your license file.

Some useful link for reference

0 Kudos

I reviewed the video when initially setting up the license server and again today. There is no information for troubleshooting this issue.


The license file specifies the following:

VENDOR mgcld C:\intelFPGA_pro\21.4\ip\altera\mentor_vip_ae\common\win64\mgls\lib port=1802


The debug log contains the following:

10:26:42 (lmgrd) CreateProcess error code: 0x5 File= C:\intelFPGA_pro\21.4\ip\altera\mentor_vip_ae\common\win64\mgls\lib
10:26:42 (alterad) FlexNet Licensing version v11.18.2.0 build 281478 x64_n6
10:26:42 (lmgrd) License server manager (lmgrd) startup failed:
10:26:42 (lmgrd) File not found, mgcld.exe


In this screenshot you can see that the mgcld path is correct.


Do you have any recommendations for what I should try next?

0 Kudos



Upon checking the license file, it does not direct to the correct mgcld.exe file.

It should look like this, with the mgcld.exe.

0 Kudos

We have not heard from you and It is not recommended to keep a Case idle too long without activities. I will now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Otherwise, the community users will continue to help you on this thread. Thank you.

0 Kudos

We have resolved the running daemons issue on the license server, but the user is still getting an error when trying to run Questa (see attached.) I didn't find anything in the debug log that indicates what the issue may be. Is there somewhere else to look?




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