Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16604 Discussions

[ModelSim simulation problem] $hold??

Honored Contributor II

Hi ~there, 


I'm using ModelSim to do a simulation about viterbi decode simulation. I use Verilog HDL and FPGA and the device is one of altera cyclone III series . 

But unfortunately a problem happens, like this : 


Error: C:/altera/72/modelsim_ae/win32aloem/../altera/verilog/src/altera_primitives.v(287): $hold( posedge clk &&& nosloadsclr:2315 ps, d:2415 ps, 186 ps );# Time: 2415 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /ViterbiDecoder_vlg_tst/i1/\SMU|DataOutEnBuf_rtl_0|auto_generated|cntr1|counter_reg_bit[4] 


I don't know where this "$hold" come from and what is it used for.I have checked all the codes and there isn't any problem and Quartus II has complied successfully.It's upset me for a few days and still find no way to solve it. 


Do you smart guys have been encountered this problem before ? How did you solve it ? I'm looking forward to your help! Thanks! 


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