Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16610 Discussions

OpenCL compiler crashed when compile some piece of simple code

Honored Contributor II

Hi there, I got some trouble when I was trying to compile some complex OpenCL program with Intel FPGA OpenCL Offline Compiler.  


then compiler crashed, so I try to remove some code to examine this problem, finally I got a piece of simple test code which could result in crash of compiler: 


void testB(ulong8 p, ulong8 h, ulong h8, const ulong* restrict t) { ulong4 p1; ulong8 p2; p1 = shuffle((ulong4)h8, (ulong4)44); p2 = shuffle2(p, h, (ulong8)55); } __kernel void testA(__global uint8* p) { ulong ta={0}; testB(1,2,3,ta); }  


it looks like the opencl builtin functions like shuffle and shuffle2 caused the crash  


The command line that I used to compile is: 

aoc -v -g --report 


The compiler version is: 

Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM), 64-Bit Offline Compiler Version 17.0.0 Build 290 Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation  

the compile log will be posted with attachment. 


Is there anyone got same problem as me ?  

thanks for your time.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

There are hundreds of bugs in Altera's compiler that could lead to such crashes. Your code snippet crashes the compiler all the way to the recent v18.0. In such cases, the only choices are to either change the design strategy to bypass the crash, or report it to Altera and then wait multiple months until they release a new version which might include a fix.

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Honored Contributor II


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There are hundreds of bugs in Altera's compiler that could lead to such crashes. Your code snippet crashes the compiler all the way to the recent v18.0. In such cases, the only choices are to either change the design strategy to bypass the crash, or report it to Altera and then wait multiple months until they release a new version which might include a fix. 

--- Quote End ---  



that's a bad news, it's hard to say the Altera's OpenCL toolchain is good enough to develop some kind of industrial-grade product. I think I should give up and looking for some alternative solutions
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