Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Qsys / Platform Designer - Using IP (i.e. FIFO) in Custom Component


I'm trying to build a custom component in Qsys / Platform Designer (Q18.0) and having issues instantiating a basic IP block, in a way that is intuitive, within the tools. As a very basic example, I'm trying to encapsulate a FIFO (32x32) and simply export the interfaces so that it could be instantiated in VHDL/Verilog. I'm oversimplifying at this point, but want to convince myself I can do it before making a project that's more complicated.


The issue that I'm running into is that the tools behave fine until the final Quartus build, in which case the tool does not see the files labeled [ip_name]_fifo_180_xxxxxxx.v, where [ip_name] is what I named the IP and xxxxxxx is the random character string affixed to the build of the IP. In this case file = a10_fifo_32x32_fifo_180_mxatppa.v


In the Component Editor tool (in "Files" tab), I can add the .QIP file associated with this IP (a10_fifo_32x32.qip) and the file pointers come across to Quartus build where Qsys project used. But, the individual files that QIP points to don't come with when Qsys project is built. Solutions would be to manually add these files in your new Quartus project or to manually add all of the files that .QIP file points to in the Component Editor. I opted for the latter option and got the project to build OK, but this is very clunky and would get very confusing with IP that's more complicated than a simple FIFO (only 4 files as source).


Am I missing something or is there an easier method for doing this? I see there is some documentation on using COMPOSITION_CALLBACK to create a system that's a lot more complicated than seems required to do something as simple as drag files pointed to by .QIP file when generating the project.


This is basically re-hashing a previous question that went unanswered a handful of years ago (see link below), but hoping to refresh the question and see if we can get an answer.


Thanks in advance!

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. Can't you create the custom component without the FIFO and then just connect to it in Platform Designer? You could create a small system of just your custom component and the FIFO and then add that system's .qsys file to any other design (it will appear in the IP Catalog for another Platform Designer project if PD can see the .qsys file). Remember you can create systems of systems with Platform Designer.

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Thanks for the quick reply! I could absolutely do something like that, but potentially will have a bunch of channels / FIFOs internal to the design to connect that will get pretty ugly (fast) if all required interconnection via the Qsys tool. This exercise is mainly get the recipe for pulling in a pre-generated IP block. Just using a single FIFO here, but could be a plurality of FIFOs, PLLs, DPRAMs, etc. that I'd want to pull into a custom component.


It seems like a pretty likely use-case, unless everyone that's generating custom IP cores in Qsys is just designing with HDL? Or old Megawizard-era logic cores with source that's VHDL/Verilog at top level (instead of .QSYS / .QIP).







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Honored Contributor III

I think creating reusable .qsys files is a more viable strategy here than trying to cram IP into a custom component. The interconnect will get created whether the IP is in a custom component or in the general system, so I'm not sure what benefit you're looking for here. You can have a library of .qsys systems just like you can have a library of _hw.tcl custom components.

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