Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17009 Discussions

Quartus compile error after upgrade from Quartus 16.0 to 21.1

New Contributor I

Quartus issued the following compile error after upgrading a design that compiled correctly with Quartus 16.0 Std to 21.1 Std, "12006 Node instance ".." instantiates undefined entity "..".  Ensure that required library paths are specified correctly,..."  The node instance that caused a problem was a "DDR3 SDRAM Controller with UniPHY Intel FPGA IP" component for Cyclone V GX.  It is listed in the IP Catalog even after the upgrade.  But I did not specifically download 21.1 IP for it.  What do I need to do to fix this?

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7 Replies
Honored Contributor III

Did you try upgrading the IP to the current version (Project menu -> Upgrade IP Components)?

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New Contributor I

Yes, that was part of my upgrade.  Specifically, I copied the entire design directory for the 16.0 design to a new directory with a new name.  Opened it with Quartus 21.1 Std, allowed it to overwrite the older version files, then upgraded all the IP including this one from 16.0 to 21.1 except for 1 megacell that was listed as upgrade optional.  Then when I started the compile I got the error.

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Honored Contributor III

Just copying the design to a new location with a new name may be your issue.  Did you use the project copy command or create a project archive?

If you're still getting the same error about library paths for just that IP, I'd delete the IP files and then add it back to your design, going through the parameter editor again.

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Does above comment help?

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We did not receive any response to the previous question/reply/answer that I have provided, thus I will put this case to close pending. Please post a response in the next 15 days to allow me to continue to support you. After 15 days, this thread will be transitioned to community support. The community users will be able to help you with your follow-up questions.


P/S: If you like my comment, feel free to give Kudos. If my comment solved your problem, feel free to accept my comment as solution!

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New Contributor I

I copied the directory containing the project using Windows 10 File Explorer to a new directory name, then opened the copied project in Quartus 21.1 Std to do the upgrade and continued from there.  I was on vacation 11/14-19/2021.  So I picked this up again before thanksgiving vacation.  Last week, among other tasks that I had to address after vacation, I wrote a stub file that could be used in place of the DDR3LP DRAM controller for a compile test only.  It is not a working DRAM controller.  But it did allow me to test if there were other errors that were not visible because of the DRAM controller error being present.  Quartus ran to completion.  No errors.  I do not have an answer yet.

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New Contributor I

One more thing.  Perhaps this will help.  Also see my 11-29-2021 06:39 AM reply.  The date is later than yours, but it is listed as an earlier post.

In Quartus 16.0 the "DDR3 supporting UniPHY" controller is listed as part of the Altera IP Base Suite in the license file (see below).

# The following is a license file for the Altera IP Base Suite (FFT, NCO, DDR / DDR2
# SDRAM, DDR / DDR2 / DDR3 SDRAM supporting ALTMEMPHY, DDR2 / DDR3 supporting UniPHY,
# RLDRAM II, RLDRAM II supporting UniPHY, QDRII, QDRII / II+ supporting UNiPHY, FIR
# Compiler II, LPDDR2)

It is not listed as part of the Base IP Suite in the license file for Quartus Standard 21.1 (see below).

# The following is a license file for the IP Base Suite Package part number for IP
# Base Suite (NCO, FFT, FIR Compiler II)


Quartus Standard 21.1 apparently allows me to upgrade the DDR3LP controller since it does not issue any errors when I do the upgrade, only later when I try to compile.  Perhaps this is a clue.

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