Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16750 Discussions

Quartus copied content from IP directory then reported permission error


I am in IT and I am seeking help / discussion with Quartus software developers.

I am not familiar with how to use your tool - again, I am in IT. The user experienced an issue and I knew the reason, so I am here trying to get help on addressing it from your side.


User submitted this request to us -

Subject: unable to generate quartus ip intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed with quartus/24.1
Description: " Hi, We are observing the following failure in quartus_ipgenerate tool during generation of the cxl ip with quartus 24.1 build 115, whereas we run the same fileset/scripts with quartus/23.4 seem to work ok, know what might be causing this issue? attaching snippets of quartus_ipgenerate logfile for both 23.4 and 24.1 quartus/24.1 log snippet: Info: intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed: "Generating: intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed" Info: intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed: "Generating: intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed_intel_rtile_cxl_top_1120_fliavca" Info: run_tclsh_script result: Error: couldn't open "/tmp/alt9863_11716708086067115917.dir/0001_intel_rtile_cxl_top_0_gen/avmm/avmm_ic/avmm_ic_gen.tcl": permission denied Info: while executing Info: "__altera__safe_source ../cxltyp2/tcl/cxltyp2_ip_filelist.tcl" Info: ("uplevel" body line 1) Info: invoked from within Info: "uplevel 1 [list __altera__safe_source {*}$args]" Info: (procedure "source" line 2) Info: invoked from within Info: "source ../cxltyp2/tcl/cxltyp2_ip_filelist.tcl" Info: (procedure "proc_sim_verilog_cxltyp2" line 23) Info: invoked from within Info: "proc_sim_verilog_cxltyp2 name" Info: (procedure "proc_sim_verilog" line 23) Info: invoked from within Info: "proc_sim_verilog intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed_intel_rtile_cxl_top_1120_fliavca" Info: rtile_cxl_ip: "Generating: rtile_cxl_ip" Info: rnr_ial_sip_clkgen_pll: "Generating: rnr_ial_sip_clkgen_pll" Info: cfg_to_iosf_fifo_vcd: "Generating: cfg_to_iosf_fifo_vcd" Info: iosf_to_cfg_fifo_vcd: "Generating: iosf_to_cfg_fifo_vcd" Error: Generation stopped, 4 or more modules remaining Info: intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed: Done "intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed" with 6 modules, 1 files Error: Generation failed with exit code 1: 2 Errors, 0 Warnings But, when we run the same fileset with same compile options/toolflow with quartus/23.4 we are not seeing this issue. quartus/23.4 log snippet: Info: intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed: "Processing generation queue" Info: intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed: "Generating: intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed" Info: intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed: "Generating: intel_rtile_cxl_top_cxltyp2_ed_intel_rtile_cxl_top_1110_b5m2j4y" Info: run_tclsh_script result: Info: *************************************************************** Info: Quartus is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation in the Info: US and other countries. Portions of the Quartus Prime software Info: code, and other portions of the code included in this download Info: or on this DVD, are licensed to Intel Corporation and are the Info: copyrighted property of third parties. For license details, Info: refer to the End User License Agreement at Info: Info: *************************************************************** Warning: Quartus project not specified. Use --quartus-project and --rev to specify a Quartus project and revision. Warning: Platform Designer does not support specifying an output directory. "/tmp/alt9863_7940867862168757708.dir/0024_intel_rtile_cxl_top_0_gen/avmm/avmm_ic/avmm_ic" will be ignored. " via @1.Bot

So here is the cause of the problem with 24.1. We in IT handles the tool installation requests. We follow strict policy to chmod permission to remove write access (chmod -R ugo-w) of the install directory after the installation is done to prevent accidentally changes. We apply this to all the EDA tools we install - although, there has been a couple tools with exceptions.

The problem is when the user run 24.1, your tool performed a recursive copy of some kind from the <install path>/ip/altera directory. The files and directories inherit the source content permission. (r-xr-xr-x for directories, r--r--r-- for files) Because the source directory "avmm_ic" has no write permission, after the content is copied to /tmp, the directories and files retains the original permission except making the user the owner of the files/directories, but the process tries to write a tcl file in there and fails because the directory has no write permission.

The user has also stated the same routine runs perfectly fine with 23.4 - the issue only happens with 24.1. We remove write access for both versions so why does it work with 23.4 and not 24.1? Would it be possible your copy routine has changed from 23.4 to 24.1? Theoretically, the tool should not assume the permission to be write-able and perform a chmod +w after a directory copy - this is what I need your help to look into because it does not make sense for us to change the directory owner permission to writeable for the sake of a copy process so the engineer - who takes over ownership of the copied directory, and is not  using the same login as the installer id

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7 Replies

Hi there,

The current case has been assigned to the CXL IP domain. Although I have not encountered this issue before, I have a few points to confirm:

  1. Does the customer have the permissions to use CXL in version 24.1? Since this IP is restricted, I need to clarify whether the customer's 24.1 includes the CXL IP license.
  2. The mentioned script contains an error, but it does not appear to be generated by Quartus, as there is no corresponding error ID. Could the customer try performing the above operation in the Quartus GUI and provide feedback on the error?

Best regards, WZ

0 Kudos

Thanks for replying.

1. I looked at the license file and it appeared to be a 3-month eval license. That may explain why the users haven't asked for additional directories to add write permission.

# Floating Server License
# Primary Machine Name-coflic06
# Primary Machine ID-NIC ID E41F13630800
# Redundant Server 2-N/A
# Redundant Server 3-N/A
# Product License Summary:
# 1 Intel® Quartus® Prime Software 90-Day Evaluation (Standard and Pro Editions) (License: EVALUATION-LIC), 2 Seat(s)
# - Maintenance Expiration of 2024.08
# - License Expires 07-Aug-2024

2. I don't know how to answer that. I just relay what I was told - that the issue didn't happen on v23 but on v24.1. If you are saying Quartus does not have a routine that does a copy process from the IP install area to the /tmp area, inheriting the owner's permission, I will have to ask the original user submitting the ticket on your side and mine to work with you. Then again, your support system is so difficult to work with, it took almost 2 months to reach this point, I suspect the eval would have expired before we can get to the bottom of this. 

0 Kudos

Hi there

  1. For issues regarding Quartus license, you can find the relevant IP license in Quartus -> Tools -> License Set Up. It seems the customer is using the CXL_type2 IP, so you can check if there is a license labeled "CXL IP for Device Type2..." or similar. Alternatively, you can compare the license files between versions 23.4 and 24.1 to identify any differences.
  2. The log shows that you raised the issue in mid-June, but I am not sure where the remaining time has been spent.
  3. You can ask the customer to use the Quartus GUI to generate the error description and attach the error report.

Best regards,


0 Kudos
This is not a license issue though.
Please review my original post. It is a directory permission issue caused by file copying - not sure if Quartus is doing it (which seems more likely) or the user (why would user copy IP files to /tmp?)
"The problem is when the user run 24.1, your tool performed a recursive copy of some kind from the <install path>/ip/altera directory. The files and directories inherit the source content permission. (r-xr-xr-x for directories, r--r--r-- for files) Because the source directory "avmm_ic" has no write permission, after the content is copied to /tmp, the directories and files retains the original permission except making the user the owner of the files/directories, but the process tries to write a tcl file in there and fails because the directory has no write permission."
To be clear, once I chmod -R u+w to the <install path>/ip/altera directory the user needs, he can run the job without issues.
0 Kudos

Hi there,

I need to confirm, after you changed the permissions, did the issue get resolved?

Best regards,

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Otherwise the user would be unable to use the IP, and the evaluation would have failed. I got him settled with the workaround, then I contacted your side to get a better explanation/solution from the developers. 


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Hi Johnny,

Thank you for your efforts and explanations. Since this issue has been assigned to me as an IP matter, I prioritized considering the restrictions of the IP itself. This is my issue.

Best regards,

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