Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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Questions about BER Data Rate.

New Contributor I


I’m currently carrying out an evaluation in which I measure the Bit Error Rate(BER) of an RG174 cable using Stratix and then utilized this data to generate an Eye diagram for signal integrity verification.


Recently, I discovered that the data rate for BER measurements could be adjusted in the “low_latency_10g_1ch.Qsys” file.

And I have configured values at 1.25Gbps, 5.00Gbps and 6.25Gbps.

While experimenting with these data rates, I encountered some matters that piqued my curiosity.


Upon examining the actual transmitted bit rate, it was observed that the real number of transmitted bit was about 5.2% of the set data rate for all three proposed settings.

(To illustrate, the bit per second transfer rate for the 1.25Gbps configuration was calculated at 62,395,687bit/s; for 5Gbps, it was 261,911,177bit/s; and for 6.25Gbps, it was 325,677,826bit/s)

The specs of the RG174 in use note a maximum frequency of 3Ghz.


Given these anomalies, I have the following questions:


  1.  Could the Data Rate specified in Qsys(e.g., 6Gbps) not be the actual bits being transferred? Might it be considering all the internal data exchanges, inclusive of the BER pre-calculation? (The reason I’m inquiring is my curiosity on whether applying a 6Gbps rate to a cable with 3GB max frequency is technically queried as an over-spec situation)
  2. If so, could you explain what roles the additional bits ply in the Data Rate, aside from the bits actually transmitted through the cable?


Your support and advice would be profoundly critical to me. Should you have any thoughts or even related field suggestions where I could focus further, I'd be immensely grateful.

Likewise, if any more deep-rooted scenarios or much deeper layer information are needed to address my little stir of panic, please do not hesitate to share.

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3 Replies

Hi Junsu,

  •  Could the Data Rate specified in Qsys(e.g., 6Gbps) not be the actual bits being transferred? Might it be considering all the internal data exchanges, inclusive of the BER pre-calculation? (The reason I’m inquiring is my curiosity on whether applying a 6Gbps rate to a cable with 3GB max frequency is technically queried as an over-spec situation)

[KG] - Your maximum frequency will limit the data rate. It is not feasible to send 6Gbps data rate at 3GHz.

  • If so, could you explain what roles the additional bits ply in the Data Rate, aside from the bits actually transmitted through the cable?

[KG] - Can you explain how are you calculating the number of bits transmitted and received for a specific time duration for the IP?

Thank you,

Kshitij Goel

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New Contributor I

Hi, thank you and sorry for late response,


1. You said that it is not possible to transmit 6Gbps data on a 3Ghz cable, does this mean that when Qsys sends and receives data, it does not send and receive data when it is falling, but only when it is rising?


2. When measuring the BER, I coded the verilog to time each sampling point and indicate the bits sent and received at that time.
I then calculated the BER by adding up all the bits and dividing by the total time. Attached is example of measured data.

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Kshitij Goel

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