Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16977 Discussions

System Console JTAG connection issue: device_download_sof


Hi Intel,

I am working with a testing system for an Altera MAX 10 board. The system is fairly simple, I am using a TCL script to run the test. The way it works is: 

- The user interface is set ut through a "main" script

- A simple .sof is downloaded to the board to check the hardware ID

- A more sophisticated .sof with test features is then applied to run tests on the board.


I use the device_download_sof function and I always make sure to close all open services between calls to the fucntion. However, every second time I run system console the script fails on the second call to device_download_sof and prints out the following error:

mai 19, 2021 10:30:28 AM com.altera.debug.core
INFO: [INFO] Programming FPGA: /devices/10M50DA(.|ES)|10M50DC@1#USB-0 with \Users\ajb\system_console\scripts\production_test\trunk\E5248B02#00\1226.sof

mai 19, 2021 10:30:28 AM com.altera.debug.core
SEVERE: device_download_sof: This device does not have a JTAG connection

mai 19, 2021 10:30:28 AM com.altera.debug.core
SEVERE: java.lang.Exception: device_download_sof: This device does not have a JTAG connection
while executing
"device_download_sof $device $sof"
(procedure "board_test::jtag_upload_sof" line 134)
invoked from within
"board_test::jtag_upload_sof E5248B02#00"
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.Exception: device_download_sof: This device does not have a JTAG connection
while executing
"device_download_sof $device $sof"
(procedure "board_test::jtag_upload_sof" line 134)
invoked from within
"board_test::jtag_upload_sof E5248B02#00"
at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.core.SimpleFuture$Sync.innerGet(
at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.core.SimpleFuture.getInternal(
at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.core.SimpleFuture.get(
at com.altera.systemconsole.dashboard.internal.SystemConsoleDashboard$TCLDashboard$1$
at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.core.SystemExecutor$
at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.core.SystemExecutor$
at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.core.SystemExecutor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: device_download_sof: This device does not have a JTAG connection
while executing
"device_download_sof $device $sof"
(procedure "board_test::jtag_upload_sof" line 134)
invoked from within
"board_test::jtag_upload_sof E5248B02#00"
at com.altera.systemconsole.scripting.ScriptEngine$
at com.altera.tcl.interpreter.NativeTclWrapper.runEvent(
at com.altera.tcl.interpreter.NativeTclWrapper.doOneEvent0(Native Method)
at com.altera.tcl.interpreter.NativeTclWrapper.doOneEvent(
at com.altera.tcl.interpreter.NativeTCLInterpreter.waitAndDoOneEvent(
at com.altera.tcl.interpreter.InterpreterInstantiator$
... 1 more


To make it even more complicated it fails consequently every second time.

Additionally, the testscript system worked fine a couple of years ago. I've spent a lot of time trying to find the issue and even called in the guy who made the system, but to no avail.

Bellow I provide all the measures I have taken to identify the problem: 

  • All services are closed
  • I've tried both the Quartus Prime 20.1 and 16.1 versions
  • Power cycling the all HW connected to the system
  • Downloaded .sof from previous versions of the system
  • Deactivated the Altera jtagserver.exe
  • Replaced all HW components
  • Used different USB blasters

Host computer is running Win10 x64

FPGA is a Altera MAX10 10M50DAF48417G

The debug board uses a MCP2200 serial converter


Any ideas on how to fix this would be greatly appriciated.



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2 Replies

I also tried the Quartus Prime Pro v21.1, this didn't change anything..

0 Kudos

Hi, you mentioned that it works previously. Any idea what changes has been made?

Can you try with different HOST PC?

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