Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16682 Discussions

System Console hw.tcl:error

Honored Contributor II

Hi everyone, 


I am trying to use the Trace System Megacore function along with the Video Monitor component from the Video and Imaging Processing toolkit to monitor a video stream. At the moment, the test platform has the following components: 


Test Pattern Generator -> Video Monitor -> Color Plane Sequencer -> Frame Buffer -> Clocked Video Out 


I also have a NIOS II CPU (with onboard RAM), Trace System, External Memory Controller, and JTAG UART. 


The project compiles in Quartus II (v. 13.0) and I downloaded to the dev board. I then ran my code from Eclipse that initializes and starts the various components. 


The problem: I was able to use System Console to view the video stream once. Seeing that I had the Trace system running, I was happy and made a change to my system - added a 2nd video monitor component after the Color Plane Sequencer. Once I recompiled the system and loaded it to my board, the System Console no longer displays any packet information. Also, in my Trace Table View -> Capture Settings -> Select Hardware window, next to my video monitor entry an error appears in red "hw.tcl:error" 


Any ideas what this error is? Does it mean I've done something nasty to the hardware? 


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