Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17022 Discussions

Unable to open ModelSim-Altera edition 10.4b(Quartus prime 15.1). Facing fatal licence error


I have taken the licence for ModelSim-Altera edition 10.4b, I created the environmental variables for the licence, but still I'm facing the fatal licence error. Do I require Quartus prime licence also to run ModelSim? If not what is the solution?


PC details : Windows 10, Core I7 64-bit

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4 Replies
Valued Contributor II

IS the license a Node-locked or Floating License? If its a Node-locked license make sure to set the Environment Variables to point to the correct file path.


  1. Right-click the Windows icon on the Start Menu and Select System.
  2. Scroll down in the About Settings window and click the "System info" link under Related Settings heading.
  3. In the next window that pops up, click the Advanced Settings in the left Pane.
  4. In the Advanced settings pop-up select the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables... button.
  5. In the next screen, under the User Variables for ... area, click the "New..." button.
  6. In the "Variable Name" box type LM_LICENSE_FILE
  7. In the "Variable Value" box type the path to the license file, ie, the location where you have saved the license file. For example, if you have saved the license file (license.dat) in a licenses folder under C:\ drive (C:\licenses). Then the Variable Value box should have C:\licenses\license.dat .
  8. Click OK button and close the window, then close all other windows.
  9. Once this is done, Launch Quartus II , from the Tools menu select License Setup... (Tools -> License Setup..)
  10. Here you can choose either of the two following options:
  11. In the License File box, type the entire path to the license file as in #7, OR,
  12. Enable the Use LM_LICENSE_FILE Variable check box and make sure its pointing to the license file.
  13. Click Apply/Ok and Quartus should now launch without the License error.



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Hi Abe,


I have generated licence only for ModelSim-Altera edition 10.4b and I don't have licence for Quartus Prime. The following steps I followed to run the Modelsim with licence,


1) I downloaded the licence file

2) I added MGLS_LICENSE_FILE (variable) with variable value given as path to my licence file in "User variables for .. "pane of environmental settings window

3) I opened the ModelSim-Altera edition 10.4b, and I'm facing the fatal licence error

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Valued Contributor II

Why don't you set the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable as well and then try. Most tools use the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable to set licenses. If it still doesn't work, do the following:


  1. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the IntelFPGA folder where you have installed ModelSim Intel Edition. Eg C:\intelFPGA_lite\18.0\modelsim_ase
  2. Double-click the win32aloem folder and open it.
  3. Here search for the LMTOOLS.EXE file and double-click to run it.
  4. In the LMTOOLS window, select the Server Diags tab.
  5. Click the Perform Diagnostics button and wait for the tool to finish diagnostics.
  6. Copy and post the results here so that we can debug the issue.
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Hi Abe,


I have set the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable, still the problem is not solved. I followed the steps you mentioned for using LMTOOLS and the result is as follows,





FlexNet diagnostics on Tue 11/20/2018 12:41



License file: C:\Users\HP\Downloads\1-N165UV_License.dat


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