Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16602 Discussions

Using relative include path with NativeLink?

Honored Contributor II

Hello all! 


I've setup a Quartus Project (using Modelsim-AE) and moved all include files to a subfolder "./inc". 

That means my *.vh file with defines have all been moved. 


I also added a relative include path using this command: 


set_global_assignment -name search_path ./inc 


This works fine and quartus can compile the project. However my problem now 

is: When starting a RTL simulation (via NativeLink button) Modelsim doesn't find the include files: 

# vlog -reportprogress 300 -vlog01compat -work work "+incdir+D:/_Proj/Vlog82" D:/_Proj/Vlog82/Decoder_logic.v # ** Error: D:/_Proj/Vlog82/Decoder_logic.v(4): Cannot open `include file "D:/_Proj/Vlog82/Decode_rom.vh".# ** Error: D:/_Proj/Vlog82/Decoder_logic.v(5): Cannot open `include file "D:/_Proj/Vlog82/Status_reg.vh". 



Is there any option in QuartusII to setup NativeLink such that ModelSim finds the inc files 

at their new location?
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I'm still searching for a solution to this. Is there anybody out there who can help?

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