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Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17039 토론

hello i am have the board ALTERA DE2 , and to use this board i download this program :quartus ii 32 bit how ever for some reason it did not download the university waveform ,how can i download this tool ?

2,810 조회수
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4 응답
새로운 기여자 II
1,134 조회수


I hope i understand your question correctly: You need the FPGA programming tool called Quartus:

Quartus can be found https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/programmable/downloads/download-center.html

Download the lite edition if you do not have a license.

Best Regards,


0 포인트
1,134 조회수


Can you please provide more information about,

  1. Quartus edition & version
  2. platform(windows/Linux)
  3. what do you mean 'for some reason it did not download the university waveform'?
  4. Any Error or screenshot


Best Regards

Vikas Jathar 

(This message was posted on behalf of Intel Corporation)



0 포인트
1,134 조회수

the version is quartos 12.0 sp2 -quartos 2 32 bit . i have no error but i cant install the waveform

0 포인트
1,134 조회수

Hi TPols,

Thanks for the details.

Sorry but I need again favor from you to understand the 'it did not download the university waveform' & 'i cant install the waveform' please elaborate more.

If you are working with university waveform editor then refer the below links,


please let me know if you have any concern.


Best Regards,

Vikas Jathar

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