Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16624 Discussions

modelsim clock network stuck StX (gate level sim)

Honored Contributor II

Hi All, 


I'm hoping someone can help with an issue I've observed in modelsim (10.5b, quartus 17.0). 


Simply put the clock network correctly drives the network right up to the point where it reaches the register at which point it stays stuck at 'StX'. I've traced the drivers and there is only one, I've re-written it to look like the Altera multi-tap shift register example, removed the reset, add default case. The dataflow diagram is attached. 


The code is a very simple shift loaded register: 


module shiftRegister ( input in, input clk, input en, output d_out ); // Internal 11 groups of 2 bits logic d_reg; always @(posedge clk) begin if(en) d_reg <= {d_reg,in}; else d_reg <= d_reg; end // always // sneaky cast ;-) assign d_out = d_reg; endmodule  


The testbench is just reads a test vector: 


// Test bench for // // test_vector.txt (bb_b_b <in>_<en>) timeunit 1ns/100ps; module shiftRegister_tb; // Glue for the instance logic in; logic clk; logic en; logic d_out; // Internal, needed by testbench integer tst_vec; logic t; always# 1 clk = ~clk; initial begin tst_vec = $fopen("../../test_vector.txt","r"); // just be clean and set an initial value. clk = 1; en = 0; in = '0; t = '0; end always @(posedge clk) begin // Start looping the test vector to generate our input if(!$feof(tst_vec)) begin $fscanf(tst_vec,"%b",t); in = t; en = t; end else // when done just go quiet... begin en = 0; in = '0; end end shiftRegister dut ( .in(in), .clk(clk), .en(en), .d_out(d_out) ); endmodule  


And the test vector is 


00_0 00_0 00_0 00_0 00_0 01_0 10_0 00_0 00_0 11_1 10_1 01_1 00_1 11_1 10_1 01_1 00_1 11_1 10_1 01_1 00_0 00_0 00_0  


I've reached a dead end in figuring this out, if anyone has any ideas please let me know. 





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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I will initialise d_reg to known value to keep modelsim happy

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Honored Contributor II


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I will initialise d_reg to known value to keep modelsim happy 

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Original code (before I stripped it down to bare minimum) had a sync reset for d_reg and still exhibited the same behavior. Added initial power on state ("= '0;") and it still did the same thing. 


In all three cases (reset, power on state, and the above code) the simulator shows the register output settling to '0' within a few ns of the simulation. 


I forgot to mention that the RTL simulation works as expected. Even if I totally stuffed up timing closure I'd still expect the clock to the driven... 


Any other ideas? 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



I just simulated the code you posted. I did parse the code through Quartus and generate the netlist via the Netlist writer. The gate-sim works fine. I don't see any issues.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



Could you let me know which version of quartus and which device you used? Given that it does actually work my issue is either human error (yes, I hate to admit it!) or device/tool specific. 





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Honored Contributor II

Well, I did target the Cyclone V series as this is the Lite version of Quartus II 17.1 (Windows) that I'm using, ModelSim is the Intel starter version.  

I did modify the testbench a little, nothing major.  


// Test bench for // // test_vector.txt (bb_b_b <in>_<en>) timeunit 1ns/100ps; module shiftRegister_tb; // Glue for the instance logic in; logic clk; logic en; logic d_out; // Internal, needed by testbench integer tst_vec; integer scan_file; logic t; always# 1 clk = ~clk; initial begin tst_vec = $fopen("test_vector.txt","r"); // just be clean and set an initial value. clk = 1; en = 0; in = '0; t = '0; end always @(posedge clk) begin // Start looping the test vector to generate our input if(!$feof(tst_vec)) begin scan_file = $fscanf(tst_vec,"%b",t); in = t; en = t; end else // when done just go quiet... begin en = 0; in = '0; $finish; $fclose(tst_vec); end end shiftReg dut ( .in(in), .clk(clk), .en(en), .d_out(d_out) ); endmodule  


I had to change the name of the DUT as I didn't want it to overwrite the RTL simulation database. I've uploaded the netlist also. Have a look at it. The shiftReg.v file is the gate netlist. The other two are the design and TB files.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



Changed the device to a random arria v part and it worked. Stratix IV GX and E both failed with the same issue, I'm pretty sure all other stratic iv parts will exhibit the same issue. 


Thanks for your time in validating. 






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Could you let me know which version of quartus and which device you used? Given that it does actually work my issue is either human error (yes, I hate to admit it!) or device/tool specific. 






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