Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16642 Discussions

resource library is empty after running the cyclone v transceiver msim_setup.tcl file

Honored Contributor II


When I use the msim_setup.tcl file for a Cyclone V Serial Lite configuration the transceiver resource library is created but remains empty. 

The reconfiguration controller msim_setup script works as advertised, all the files in the tcl file are compiled into the reconfiguration library and the reconfiguration.v is compiled in to the work library. 

There are no errors or warnings when running the script. 

When I manualy enter the commands some will produce entries in the library but then following commands will make them disappear. 


What am I missing? 


Just tried it again: 

vlog -sv "$QSYS_SIMDIR/altera_xcvr_custom_phy/" -work XcvrPhy 

get me an entry in the XcvrPhy library named altera_xcvr_functions 

vlog -sv "$QSYS_SIMDIR/altera_xcvr_custom_phy/mentor/" -work XcvrPhy 

gets me an empty XcvrPhy library. 


I worked around the problem but it's a hassle. 


Thanks in advance for any suggestions. 


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