Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16606 Discussions

when using quartus 18. Why I can't put all my global `define statement in a seperate file and use it as we do in old-version quartus?


When we use old-version quaruts, say 15.0, we can put all the global `define statement in a seperate file , such as define.v ,add it to the file list, ant put it at first place to make sure it's seen by tool before it can see other .v files.

But when I tried to do the same thing in quartus 18, it doesn't work, quaruts keeps telling me my macros are not defined. unless i include my define.v in each .v file, which is ugly.






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1 Solution
Valued Contributor II

Hmm.. okay, let me clear the air regarding this.


First the 3 versions are different in the way they handle include files.


Lite / Std : We need to add the include files (be it with .v / .inc / .svh extension ) to the project and designate the top-level file. Then just compile. The tool automatically includes the defines / parameters file during compilation and it goes through.


Pro version : This version is modeled just like the industry ASIC compilers/synthesis tools. Here, even after we include the files into the file list, we still need to manually mention this include file in the design file using the `include <> compiler directive. This instructs the compiler to search for this file and include it during the compile process.


@Kevin Hsing​  .. I suggest you just add the `include "define.v" statement to the start of your design file. Make sure the path to the file is correct. If the define.v file is in the same folder as the source file, then its okay as is.. `include "deinfe.v"


This will include the file during compilation and you should not see those errors/warning.

View solution in original post

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7 Replies



Question is already discussed can you please check it maybe help full.


Let me know if you need any further assistance.


Best Regards,


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Valued Contributor II

I've done this and it works in Quartus 18 Lite version. I've created a simple RAM design with a defines.v file that has the `defines in it. The tool picks up the defines and processes it accordingly.


// Single port RAM with single read/write address   module single_port_ram #(parameter DATA_WIDTH=8, parameter ADDR_WIDTH=4) ( input [(DATA_WIDTH-1):0] data, input [(ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] addr, input we, clk, output [(DATA_WIDTH-1):0] q ); `ifdef RTL // Declare the RAM variable reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ram[2**ADDR_WIDTH-1:0];   // Variable to hold the registered read address reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr_reg;   always @ (posedge clk) begin // Write if (we) ram[addr] <= data;   addr_reg <= addr; end   // Continuous assignment implies read returns NEW data. // This is the natural behavior of the TriMatrix memory // blocks in Single Port mode. assign q = ram[addr_reg]; `else ram_1port ram_1port_inst ( .address ( addr ), .clock ( clk ), .data ( data ), .wren ( we ), .q ( q ) );   `endif endmodule

This is the design file - single_port_ram.v and below is the defines.v file

`ifndef RTL `define RTL `endif

As you can see in the screenshot below, the compile goes through. I've done it for both with the RTL defined as well as without and get the intended results. I did mention the design file as Top-level entity via the Files tab and then just proceeded with the compile.



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Thank you for your feedback.

I build a project and synthesis it using 18.0,it did works .

But I am using quartus18.0 pro(I'm evaluating stratix10 for my project, only 18.0pro support stratix10), same project failed. the tool gave me a critical warning, saying my macro not defined.

It seems Quartus18.0 pro and quartus18/quartus18-lite are totally different, their behavior when parsing rtl source code are quite different.






I tried the method your link provides,but it didn't work for me.

As I mentioned above, The problem only exist in quartus18-pro. quartus18/quartus18-lite works fine.

I enclose the source code and makefile for my project below:



//define.v `ifndef MY_DEFINE   `define MY_DEFINE   `define DW 7   `endif//mk_fpga.v module mk_fpga( input sys_clk,   input [`DW-1:0] datia, input [`DW-1:0] datib,   output [`DW*2-1:0] dato );   assign dato = datia*datib;   endmodule#mk_fpga.tcl   # Load Quartus II Tcl Project package package require ::quartus::project load_package flow   set need_to_close_project 0 set make_assignments 1   # Check that the right project is open if {[is_project_open]} { if {[string compare $quartus(project) "mk_fpga"]} { puts "Project mk_fpga is not open" set make_assignments 0 } } else { # Only open if not already open if {[project_exists mk_fpga]} { project_open -revision [lindex $argv 0] mk_fpga } else { project_new -revision [lindex $argv 0] mk_fpga } set need_to_close_project 1 }   # Make assignments if {$make_assignments} {   set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE define.v set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE mk_fpga.v   }   # Commit assignments export_assignments puts "++++++ assignment complete"   execute_flow -compile   # Close project if {$need_to_close_project} { project_close } #makefile   PRJ_NAME=mk_fpga DATE=`date +%y%m%d_%H%M`   #quartus18.0 pro q18p: /home/opt/intelFPGA_pro/18.0/quartus/bin/quartus_sh -t $(PRJ_NAME).tcl $(PRJ_NAME)   #quartus18.0 q18s: /home/opt/intelFPGA/18.0/quartus/bin/quartus_sh -t $(PRJ_NAME).tcl $(PRJ_NAME)



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Valued Contributor II

Yes, somehow the Quartus Pro version does not treat the include files / defines.v files the same way as it does in the Lite and Standard versions. It just doesn't read the defines file and take in the value. Looks like the only way to work around this is to declare all the defines in the design file itself. Maybe Intel folks need to help us on how to get this done with the Pro version.

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@Kevin Hsing​ 



If you would tried the link which i have shared, It would have solved your problem.( we verify answer before providing it).

  1. Quartus pro 18.0 works well with macros in separate file or in same file.
  2. I have verified with your design in quartus version(17.1,18,18.1) and edition(Lite & pro) & It read the defines file and take in the value, but you have to add `include "define.v" line in it design.


Attached the documents with images.


Let me know if this has helped resolve the issue you are facing or if you need any further assistance.


Best Regards,






0 Kudos

   Well, I did noticed inserting `include define.v in each of my .v file can solve my problem.

   My project has hundreds of .v, although I can complete the insertion task using a shell script, still I don't think it's a graceful solution, since all other eda tools I use don't require such coding style including quaruts 18.0 standard version, It seems it's a new requirement of quartus-pro series code parser.

   If there is no other work-around such as using a global assignment to inform the tool such file should be read first and all the macros in it be considered global, I'll just add `include statement to continue my evaluation.

   Still, I hope quartus pro's behavior is consistant with quartus standard series and other eda tools.


Valued Contributor II

Hmm.. okay, let me clear the air regarding this.


First the 3 versions are different in the way they handle include files.


Lite / Std : We need to add the include files (be it with .v / .inc / .svh extension ) to the project and designate the top-level file. Then just compile. The tool automatically includes the defines / parameters file during compilation and it goes through.


Pro version : This version is modeled just like the industry ASIC compilers/synthesis tools. Here, even after we include the files into the file list, we still need to manually mention this include file in the design file using the `include <> compiler directive. This instructs the compiler to search for this file and include it during the compile process.


@Kevin Hsing​  .. I suggest you just add the `include "define.v" statement to the start of your design file. Make sure the path to the file is correct. If the define.v file is in the same folder as the source file, then its okay as is.. `include "deinfe.v"


This will include the file during compilation and you should not see those errors/warning.

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