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Intel® Rendering Toolkit
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Can you please repair the oneAPI Rendering Toolkit download link.

5,171 次查看

I have failed for two days in succession to download the oneAPI Rendering Toolkit for Windows from the download link which appears on this page:


Please can you fix the link as a matter of importance. 

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11 回复数
5,151 次查看

Hi Jay

We have informed the concerned team regarding this issue. Will keep you posted on the updates.



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5,100 次查看

Hi Jay,

We could see you have a different case for this same Issue, we could see Soumya_M_Intel has provided you a workaround(as in the below link), have you tried this out.




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Yes, I have tried it. Since (reluctantly) taking the advice to erase my browser cache and try again in an incognito browser tab I have reported this makes no difference for me. When I press the download button I am simply bumped to a login page, even though I am logged in. If I login again on that page I eventually get trapped in a loop which takes me back to that page again.

When I press the download button, even after I've cleared my cache and opened an incognito session, the download button takes me here:


I have since abandoned the task of downloading Intel's Rendering Toolkit and have marked it down as a system fault.

I am baffled by why this should happen. I noticed the Render Toolkit forum is very quiet. I wonder if the trouble is other people can't download it either?

If this is a problem others also have had then I don't understand how Intel can expect people to move to their tools if they can't be downloaded and used.

I have currently given up trying.

As far as I'm concerned it is a fault with the website. I'd have thought those concerned would have wanted to fix it immediately they knew there was a fault. 

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5,065 次查看

Hi Jhake, 

Thanks for the issue sighting.


Are you saying the dialog box in the attached image *does not* come up with a fresh (not logged in) browser session?


Note that the link circled allows users to skip sign-in to download the product. I was able to get the dialog box immediately after clicking download when not logged in. I was able to successfully download through that "Maybe next time..." link.

The loop you have experienced has been reported to Intel IT.




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Yes, I am saying that does *not* happen.

I go to this page:


When I select Windows / Web & Local / Online, a side panel with a download button appears, thus:


From here it my expectation than when I press the Download button, the download will begin.

When I press the download button I do not see any download window such as the one you have shown. What I see is this page:


On that page I see this screen asking me questions about signing up for oneAPI update notifications:


Also: The reason I raised a second query was to clarify my intention. In the first query I merely made the statement "I don't understand why it doesn't do what I expect". I later realised this is not a direct request for a resolution, I then added a new question "Can you please this" after the discussion did not resolve the issue. I wanted to make clear that I don't want the explanation for why it doesn't work, I just want it to work. 

Speaking as somebody who regularly downloads, installs, tests and reviews various different operating systems and development tools and environments, it is my belief that if I cannot understand how to make this work, other people must have had the same problem. 

Let me ask you this: Is it true that there is presently no way for me to download and test these tools no matter what I do? This is what it looks like to me currently.

I am using the Chrome browser and I have tried the same thing in Firefox and Edge.

I accept there is a still a chance I have simply made a mistake and I am doing something wrong and somehow can't understand how to make it work. But I do press the download button and it doesn't download anything, nor does it offer to download anything after I have pressed the Download button. 

For this reason my main candidate explanation for why I cannot get it do download is the Intel website is broken and it needs to be repaired by the appropriate web design team there. 

I still would like this fault, which is now a complaint, to be resolved, until it is I will simply have to abandon using Intel tools because I currently cannot download them.

I would suggest to you that if I cannot download the Render Toolkit at all that this should be registered internally there as a critical fault. 

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5,048 次查看

Thanks for the clarification. This has been captured and has been reported to the folks who can address it (Intel IT).


If other users are blocked from using the "Maybe next time..." link, users can build the libraries and included sample programs via the superbuild option:



This option is typical for developers who actually want to poke at code. It is also part of the onboarding process for production development after downloading precompiled assets in the oneAPI distribution.



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I was able to get to the "Maybe next time..." link in an incognito window with both local and online options.



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Update: I have since successfully downloaded RenderKit using the incognito method.

I first right-clicked the link above, and chose "Open link in incognito window" while using Chrome. The link is duplicated here for ease of location for anybody who would also like to try this method:


I then chose Windows / Web & Local / Local from the drop-down menus, at which point the Download button appeared. 

Then when I click the Download button the "Get your download" box appears, and from here I can click the grey "Maybe next time. Please take me to my download" button.

Thank you for sharing this solution, this works for me.

I still cannot successfully use the Download button except by using this method. I expect then the method people are expecting to use still doesn't work. Perhaps as a quick-fix you might simply alter the text on the page where the Download button appears, to reflect this fault, as an interim measure while waiting for a more lasting fix to the Download button to be made.  

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Hi Jhake


The team is currently working on fixing this issue permanently. As your issue is resolved with the workaround could you please confirm if we could stop monitoring this case. 

Please let us know  in case if you need any additional help with this issue.





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Hi Jhake,

This download issue has been fixed. Could you please verify and let us know if you are facing any issues at your end.



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Hi Jhake,

If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.



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