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FEAST Eigenvalue solver using MKL-Pardiso

I have just started to test FEAST Eigenvalue solver for my nanodevice simulations. I have a question since it uses MKL-Pardiso as a Inner linear solver and it would be nice if some could give some insight on the issue I am facing.
I have been using in particular the FEAST_Sparse interface that requires MKL-Pardiso. My matrix is in CRS format so which makes the use of predefined driver interfaces within FEAST solver  package easy. 
Every thing work fine and the convergence is really good for small Complex Hermitian matrices with size around  160,000 and 6,400,000 non zeros values. But when I scale the same matrix with the exact same sparse pattern to a size of 4,000,000 and 160,000,000 non zeros I get a Error Info code -2, "Error form Inner linear system solver" (Which is MKL-.Pardiso). I have 64 GB of RAM on my work station.
Do I need to set some parameter or do something else for MKL-Pardiso to work on big matrices or have I crossed the limits of MKL- Pardiso  or is it some other problem. Do you have any Insight that will help me figure whats the cause of the crash? I have been reading and looking around for a solution for a couple of days and didn't find a reason why MKL-Pardiso works with small matrices and give an error when the size in increased. 
More info on FEAST solver package can be found here
Thanks a lot.
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2 Replies


Are you use Feast functionality from link in your post or corresponded Extended Eigensolver in official MKL release? In any case i could recommend to turn off OOC mode of PARDISO - the simplest way is to use RCI interface of FEAST or Extended EigenSolver and switch iparm(1) and iparm(60) to 1.


Alexander Kalinkin

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Thanks Alexander for your help. I am using Feast found at that link. I managed to use RCI and switch to OOC mode.

Now I am getting a Error code -10 return by the Pardiso (during factorization (ZeB-A) ), I see that the documentation says that this error can happen in the case of wrong permissions or when files were removed or blocked or not released after the previous steps. I do have the permission and I am see that its writing the files in the specified location.

Can throw some light as to whats happening and how i can get around the issue.



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