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Problem while Creating the Environmental varialbes using mklvarsem64t

I wish to use the mkl subroutines for doing computaions in my code. As mentioned in the user guide, I used mklvarsem64t to create the Environmental Variables INCLUDE, LIBRARY PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. But when i try to run the executable, it was not working.
The reason was "/opt/intel/mkl/ no version information available (required by main.e)"

This is because of the problem of Enviro: Variable. So I type cd $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and I end up getting
/opt/intel/mkl/ No such file or directory."

Then I went to the correspondint file mklvarsem64t and checked it. The problem seems to be with the line as shown in bold
"if ($?LD_LIBRARY_PATH) then
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${MKLROOT}/lib/em64t"
But since I am not able to proceed any further I request your kind help.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III
328 Views is not in the MKL lib directory, but in the compiler lib directory. Just add $IFCDIR/lib/intel64 or $ICCDIR/lib/intel64 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as appropriate. The startup shell script for the compiler (, etc.) should have already put this path into LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

You cannot do "cd $LD_LIBRARY_PATH" if the path has more than one component.
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Honored Contributor III
If you have an MKL version active which is supplied with the ifort or icc compiler, it would be as mecej4 said, you should use the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as set up by the compiler environment script.

Remember also that the environment script must be sourced, not run as a shell script
source /opt/intel/mkl/ (or similar)
while the include file path must be specified within the compiler command line invocation
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