Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
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Strange bad memory of MKL spline function


Dear all,

I am using MKL compilers_and_libraries_2017.4.210 (update 3) and following the developer guide to construct a cubic spline interpolation workflow. However no matter how I configure my inputs the scoeff values from dfdEditPPSpline1D() output stays bad memory allocation. The function return a good status but then crashes in the next function dfdConstruct1D(). I wonder whether I miss something in my configuration or inclusion of files, or whether there is a bug. My source code was copied below with dummy input data.




For compile, I included 34 h files that are enough for my project.

For link I included mkl_core.lib, mkl_core_dll.lib, mkl_intel_ilp64.lib, mkl_intel_ilp64_dll.lib, mkl_sequential.lib and mkl_sequential_dll.lib.

For execution, I included mkl_core.dll, mkl_sequential.dll and mkl_vml_def.dll

Those appear enough.

Dummy source code which has bad memory of scoeff pointer and crashes in the next function.


//setup MKL data structures

#define SPLINE_ORDER DF_PP_CUBIC /* A cubic spline to construct */

int status; /* Status of a Data Fitting operation */

DFTaskPtr task; /* Data Fitting operations are task based */

/* Parameters describing the partition */

MKL_INT nx; /* The size of partition x */

MKL_INT xhint; /* Additional information about the structure of breakpoints */

/* Parameters describing the function */

MKL_INT ny; /* Function dimension */

MKL_INT yhint; /* Additional information about the function */

/* Parameters describing the spline */

MKL_INT s_order; /* Spline order */

MKL_INT s_type; /* Spline type */

MKL_INT ic_type; /* Type of internal conditions */

double* ic; /* Array of internal conditions */

MKL_INT bc_type; /* Type of boundary conditions */

double* bc; /* Array of boundary conditions */

double scoeff[(20 - 1)* SPLINE_ORDER]; /* Array of spline coefficients */

MKL_INT scoeffhint; /* Additional information about the coefficients */

MKL_INT sitehint; /* Additional information about the structure of

interpolation sites */

MKL_INT ndorder, dorder; /* Parameters defining the type of interpolation */

double* datahint; /* Additional information on partition and interpolation sites */

double *r; /* Array of interpolation results */

r = new double[20];

MKL_INT rhint; /* Additional information on the structure of the results */

MKL_INT* cell; /* Array of cell indices */

/* Initialize the partition */

nx = 10;

nsite = 20;

double x[10], y[10];

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


x = i;

y = pow(i, 3);


for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)


site = i;


for (int i = 0; i < 19 * SPLINE_ORDER; i++)

scoeff = -9999.0;

xhint = DF_NON_UNIFORM_PARTITION; /* The partition is non-uniform. */

/* Initialize the function */

ny = 1; /* The function is scalar. */

yhint = DF_NO_HINT; /* No additional information about the function is provided. */

status = dfdNewTask1D(&task, nx, x, xhint, ny, y, yhint);

if (status == 0)


/* Initialize spline parameters */

s_order = DF_PP_CUBIC; /* Spline is of the fourth order (cubic spline). */

s_type = DF_PP_NATURAL; /* Spline is of the natural cubic spline type. */

/* Define internal conditions for cubic spline construction (none in this example) */

ic_type = DF_NO_IC;

ic = NULL;

/* Use not-a-knot boundary conditions. In this case, the is first and the last

interior breakpoints are inactive, no additional values are provided. */

bc_type = DF_BC_FREE_END; //natural cubic spline

bc = NULL;

scoeffhint = DF_NO_HINT; /* No additional information about the spline. */

status = dfdEditPPSpline1D(task, s_order, s_type, bc_type, 0, ic_type,

0, &scoeff[0], scoeffhint);

//continue only when the internal boundary condition task is successful

if (status == 0)


/* Use a standard method to construct a cubic Bessel spline: */

/* Pi(x) = ci,0 + ci,1(x - xi) + ci,2(x - xi)2 + ci,3(x - xi)3, */

/* The library packs spline coefficients to array scoeff: */

/* scoeff[4*i+0] = ci,0, scoef[4*i+1] = ci,1, */

/* scoeff[4*i+2] = ci,2, scoef[4*i+1] = ci,3, */

/* i=0,...,N-2 */

status = dfdConstruct1D(task, DF_PP_SPLINE, DF_METHOD_STD);

// skip the data construction check, TZ May 2017

sitehint = DF_NON_UNIFORM_PARTITION; /* Partition of sites is non-uniform */

ndorder = 1;

dorder = 1;

datahint = DF_NO_APRIORI_INFO; /* No additional information about breakpoints or

sites is provided. */

rhint = DF_MATRIX_STORAGE_ROWS; /* The library packs interpolation results

in row-major format. */

cell = NULL; /* Cell indices are not required. */

/* Solve interpolation problem using the default method: compute the spline values

at the points site(i), i=0,..., nsite-1 and place the results to array r */

status = dfdInterpolate1D(task, DF_INTERP, DF_METHOD_PP, nsite, site,

sitehint, ndorder, &dorder, datahint, r, rhint, cell);

/* De-allocate Data Fitting task resources */

status = dfDeleteTask(&task);







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21 Replies

It crashes on my side, at the line

 status = dfdConstruct1D(task, DF_PP_SPLINE, DF_METHOD_STD);

No warning, no error message, just termination of execution. The output window after the project terminates was shown in the message to Egor.

'mkl_df_issue.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'D:\NGI\slim_NGI\testMKL\mkl_df_issue\mkl_df_issue\x64\Release\mkl_df_issue.exe'. Symbols loaded.

'mkl_df_issue.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.

'mkl_df_issue.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.

'mkl_df_issue.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.

'mkl_df_issue.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'D:\NGI\slim_NGI\testMKL\mkl_df_issue\mkl_df_issue\x64\Release\mkl_sequential.dll'. Module was built without symbols....


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