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Uninstall of MKL 2017 Update 2 FAILING on Windows 10 (version 1803)


Uninstall of MKL 2017 Update 2 from my PC using the usual Control Panel uninstaller fails as follows:

Intel(R) Math Kernel Library 2017 Update 2 for Windows* Intel® Software Setup Assistant ended prematurely because of an error(s).
  Windows Installer failed to configure product:
Error message: The specified account already exists. 
Error code: 1603
Product code: 36D90182-C708-49CC-A6B9-6D9148159A01
Module name: ide_c_common_vs2012_p_17.0.2.187.msi
Installer logs location: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Temp\pset_tmp_PSXE2017_Andrew\2018.05.12_21.01.08_0000354c\log\
It is being uninstalled from the same account that it was installed under, and the account has admin privileges.
Log files from the installer logs location are attached.
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3 Replies

Hi Andrew,

Thank you for your reports.  I will connect our install team to investigate your issue. and will get back to you if any news.

As i see, you have 2017 update 2 ,  and latest version MKL 2018 update 2.  So are you ok to install MKL 2018 update 2 on the machine? .

And not sure if you have done that,  you can submit your install question to create a support ticket to intel on-line service center 

and here is some FAQ

Best Regards,


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I do not intend to install MKL 2018 update 2, I am trying to fully uninstall MKL at this point as I need to recover some disk space.


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Hi Andrew,

​Any updates?

​I add some information here for your reference.
​1. Regarding the root cause, according to your log,  the file ide_c_common_vs2012_p_17.0.2.187.msi  is about  integrate to MSVC IDE, which means the Installer cannot remove old C++ IDE integration to Visual Studio 2012.   MSI (s) (EC:D8) [21:01:23:900]: Product: C++ Integration(s) in Microsoft Visual Studio* 2012 -- Removal failed.

2. The IDE integration may come from suite product or standalone MKL. Generally, if you find original installer package for PSXE 2017 Update 2 and uninstall IDE integration (remove package totally or in modify mode, unselected IDE integration in VS Integration dialog).

It should correctly remove old C++ IDE integration to Visual Studio 2012 , same as MKL component. If you'd like use other component of PSXE, you can install them with customize installation check out MKL

​3.   Anyway,  As MKL are library, so all of things (include files, doc, libraries) are in C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.187\windows by default . If for the save disk space purpose  and the uninstaller don't work, you can manually to remove them by delete the sub folder: 


3.1. C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.187\windows\mkl  (I had Window 10 and had MKL 2017 update 2 installed, after uninstall,  the folder is still there, but no contents)

3.2. C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.187\windows\redist\ia32_win\mkl

3.3. C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.187\windows\redist\intel64_win\mkl.


Best Regards,


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