Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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How to monitor Intel QuickSync GPU usage/load???


I am working with Intel QuickSync based GPU accelerated transcoding software (created by various sources), and I need to find a way to monitor the following for the Intel GPU on each server:
- Total GPU load
- Maximum number of potential GPU QuickSync threads supported for the hardware (CPU/GPU version)
- Number of current GPU QuickSync threads active

I want to do this so that the transcoding workload can be "load balanced" across a pool of servers, and to know when the GPU for a selected server is at it's maximum load.

I was told that the "Intel Metrics Framework" (within the "Intel Platform Analysis Library") could be used to do this, but I can not find any documentation on this specific data items that I would have to query for.

Anyone have any example on how to do this, or know of specific documentation that can help me???


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4 Replies

Hi Russ,

We have very simple monitoring tool in tools directory (ex in linux: /opt/intel/mediasdk/tools/metrics_monitor).

Also, there are another powerful tools you can analyze CPU/GPU performance.

1. Intel Graphics Trace Analyzer ( )

2. Intel VTune Amplifier ( )

Please take a look at those tools.




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SEUNGHYUK P. (Intel) wrote:

Hi Russ,

We have very simple monitoring tool in tools directory (ex in linux: /opt/intel/mediasdk/tools/metrics_monitor).

Also, there are another powerful tools you can analyze CPU/GPU performance.

1. Intel Graphics Trace Analyzer ( )

2. Intel VTune Amplifier ( )

Please take a look at those tools.




Hi Peter

Please note... I am not looking for debugging tools and things like that.  I am looking to create an application that runs on Windows Server (currently 2012) that can monitor the GPU resource usage from any/all MFX/QuickSync enabled applications that are running on that server.  This will be used by other software that I am writing to do "load balancing" of media applications across a server farm, and also to alert the operations staff when media transcoding loads are to great for the existing server farm.

I once worked at Intel, and when I was working there I saw someone from the Media SDK team running something that detected how much of the CPU and GPU resources were being used up by media applications running on that system,.  I need to create something like that, but I can't find any documentation on how to get the needed info from the graphics subsystem.

I appreciate any help you can offer.

Russ B


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Hi Russ,

Sorry for the delay,

I'm looking for it.

Please wait some time and I will update soon.



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Hi Ross,

Actually, VTune is not debugging tool but mainly performance analysis tool.

Please take a look at.

If you need other tool, I believe there's Microsoft tool also can look lower level activities.



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