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I have implemented the remote_update function on my custom board and it works for HW images. Now I am trying to boot nios images from non standard offset but it does not work :-/. I have read a lot of topics and use this method to change nios boot address in epcs: http://www.alterawiki.com/wiki/epcs_bootloaders. I have programmed a jic in EPCS but only the HW image is loaded and I don't understand why. I can load the nios from the Nios-IDE using "run as" but not from the EPCS. Maybe the .hex file I use is wrong ?environment : Cyclone IV GX / EPCS64 / Quartus 11.1 sp2 bootloader : (http://www.alterawiki.com/wiki/epcs_bootloaders) I compile the asm_bootloader with ‘make CODE_BASE=0x0’ command with those parameters:# define SOFTWARE_OFFSET 0x400000# define EPCS_FLASH_CONTROLLER_0_BASE 0x2000 Then I have copied my_boot_loader_standalone.hex in my quartus project. sopc : epcs_flash_controller_0: - @=0x2000 boot_rom : - 1024 bytes onchip rom - User created init file: “my_boot_loader_standalone” cpu: - reset_vector and exception_vector mapped to boot_rom jic generation: elf2flash --epcs --input=$elf --output=sw.flash nios2-elf-objcopy --input-target srec --output-target ihex sw.flash $hex_sw --change-addresses=0x400000 jic result: BLOCK | START ADDRESS | END ADDRESS Page_0 | 0x00000000 | 0x001673C7 nios.hex | 0x00400000 | 0x00408C4B nios ide: Allow_code_at_reset=’1’, other parameters are set to ‘0’ Thank for your help and advice.
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Be sure that you understand that the EPCS bootloader does not reside in the EPCS flash, itself, but rather in a small onchip (i.e. _on_ FPGA) memory that is a part of the epcs_controller. Any changes you make to the EPCS bootloader must be built into that onchip memory and re-compiled in Quartus II.
If you already understand that portion (it looks like you do), then you're already making sure that this happens and that the instructions you see in that onchip memory match what you'd expect to see in your customer bootloader. Also, any reason that you're using 11.1sp2? It's a pretty old version is all. You could also replace it with non-assembly code as well. If I recall, there's a single command in the EPCS API that will pretty much do this for you...not sure if it will fit into the 1k bytes that are part of the epcs_controller though. You'd likely have to use another onchip memory....It would be easier to debug/test though. ...I have definitely done this before, so I know it's possible.- Mark as New
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Hi Slacker,
Thanks for your answer. --- Quote Start --- Be sure that you understand that the EPCS bootloader does not reside in the EPCS flash, itself, but rather in a small onchip (i.e. _on_ FPGA) memory that is a part of the epcs_controller. Any changes you make to the EPCS bootloader must be built into that onchip memory and re-compiled in Quartus II. If you already understand that portion (it looks like you do), then you're already making sure that this happens and that the instructions you see in that onchip memory match what you'd expect to see in your customer bootloader. --- Quote End --- Yes I think I understand well Nios bootloader basics but in detail I am not sure that I am not missing anything. For example: - Are the Altera_wiki ASM sources ready to use without modification (except the epcs_controller base address and Nios image offset)? - I have only mapped the cpu_reset_vector to the ROM containing the hex bootloader. Is there anything else to configure the Hardware? Maybe I need to debug the Nios boot sequence to see if it can access the epcs. I have import asm sources as "Custom Makefil for Nios II Software Build Tools Project" but I don't know how to run the debugger with this kind of project. Do you know how it works? Have you read how I generate the JIC file? I want to write the nios image at 0x400000 and boot at this address. Did I use the good commands to do it? --- Quote Start --- Also, any reason that you're using 11.1sp2? It's a pretty old version is all. You could also replace it with non-assembly code as well. If I recall, there's a single command in the EPCS API that will pretty much do this for you...not sure if it will fit into the 1k bytes that are part of the epcs_controller though. You'd likely have to use another onchip memory....It would be easier to debug/test though. --- Quote End --- I use several IP and especially a commercial Transceiver IP developed on an old Quartus version. So I prefer to keep the same Quartus version with a known behavior during development. I choose the ASM sources because it thought it was more simple as I didn’t need any custom modifications and knew nothing about bootloaders. I create an 1KB onchip ROM to store the bootloader so I shouldn't be disturb by epcs_rom. Thanks again. ps: sorry to reply late, I had to debbug HW problems on other boards...- Mark as New
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It works !!!
I had 2 problems: - I was using an onchip ROM instead of RAM to store the bootloader in SOPC - Then I have seen after reading back EPCS content that Nios binary file must be written without any byte modification unlike RBF files. So I have modified the ROM to RAM and the way I write nios file on EPCS and now everything is working. Now Nios can boot from a custom offset in EPCS and I can update binary file in EPCS !! Thanks for support.- Mark as New
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I'm trying to make http://www.alterawiki.com/wiki/epcs_bootloaders assembly example working. I thing I have the same problem as you had : http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41648 In the topic you say: "So I have modified the ROM to RAM and the way I write nios file on EPCS and now everything is working." but you don't tell how you change the way you write the EPCS. I write the software file in the EPCS the same way as you did, I create a .jic file with my hardware (with RAM and custom boot) and software at the specific address. PS : Sorry for my bad English. Thank you. Flandroid- Mark as New
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I use 2 methods to write EPCS: - Quartus jtag flow: generate a jic and use quartus programmer - Update EPCS content with custom logic to allow product update The 1st method requires a nios file formated with "intel" format and the second requires "binary" format. I use this script to generate file: # echo "Converting SOF file..." # sof2flash --epcs --compress --input=$sof --output=hw.flash # echo echo "Converting ELF file..." elf2flash --epcs --input=$elf --output=sw.flash # echo echo "Creating HEX file..." # cp hw.flash hw_sw.flash # chmod 777 hw_sw.flash # cat sw.flash >> hw_sw.flash echo "=> Use iHex file to generate JIC with Quartus" nios2-elf-objcopy --input-target srec --output-target ihex sw.flash $hex_sw --change-addresses=0x400000 echo "=> Use binary file to update epcs nios file (change file extension from .hex to .rbf)" nios2-elf-objcopy --input-target srec --output-target binary sw.flash $hex_sw_raw1 --change-addresses=0x400000 # nios2-elf-objcopy -I srec -O binary $elf $hex_sw_raw echo- Mark as New
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thank you for your answer but I didn't solved my problem, I still can't boot.
Can you tell me if I am doing something wrong ? I import the assembly boot project example to eclipse, I change the EPCS address with the one defined in my QSYS, I keep the same software offset as the example one (I changed it in your script) : # define SOFTWARE_OFFSET 0x1c0000 # define EPCS_FLASH_CONTROLLER_0_BASE 0x04007000 I uncomment the //#define EPCS line. I changed the build commmand to "make CODE_BASE=0x0;" as describe in the wiki. Once the boot-loader compiled I get the "my_boot_loader_standalone.hex" that I use as Memory Initialization for On-Chip Memory defined as RAM with 4096 bytes size in Qsys. The avalon bus of the On-Chip Memory is connected to nios (data_master and instruction master). The nios reset memory is the On-Chip Memory address. I compile the hardware in QSYS and after on quartus. So I get my hw.sof With quartus programmer I program my fpga hardware and I run my software with eclipse to be sure all is OK. Then I create the .jic and program the EPCS, I reset the FPGA and nothing append :s. I can't find a way to debug this problem. Thank you.- Mark as New
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1) you don't need to uncommend# define EPCS because the "#ifdef EPCS / else" are not used.
2)qsys: check epcs_flash_controller address and lock it to avoid any future modification. it must match EPCS_FLASH_CONTROLLER_0_BASE. 1024 bytes for the ROM is enough. don't forget to initialize the ROM with "my_boot_loader_standalone.hex". Put this hex file in your project directory and point to it. (in sopc builder I write only "my_boot_loader_standalone" without any path or file extension in the "user created init file" field). set the processor reset vector to this boot rom. check the .map file when you generate the jic file. your hex file msut be at the same offset as SOFTWARE_OFFSET. 3) use a simple way to verify your fpga state. for example use logic to toggle an output pin to verify fpga programming and use nios to toggle another pin (or a simple routine as while(1) printf("hello"); with jtag uart) to check nios state. if nios doesn't boot, try to download the code with eclipse or nios shell (nios2-download -r pj_name.elf) to verify that your hw is working. if it works read again alterawiki 's page, you should have missed something :-)- Mark as New
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--- Quote Start --- 1) you don't need to uncommend# define EPCS because the "#ifdef EPCS / else" are not used. 2)qsys: check epcs_flash_controller address and lock it to avoid any future modification. it must match EPCS_FLASH_CONTROLLER_0_BASE. 1024 bytes for the ROM is enough. don't forget to initialize the ROM with "my_boot_loader_standalone.hex". Put this hex file in your project directory and point to it. (in sopc builder i write only "my_boot_loader_standalone" without any path or file extension in the "user created init file" field). set the processor reset vector to this boot rom. check the .map file when you generate the jic file. your hex file msut be at the same offset as SOFTWARE_OFFSET. 3) use a simple way to verify your fpga state. for example use logic to toggle an output pin to verify fpga programming and use nios to toggle another pin (or a simple routine as while(1) printf("hello"); with jtag uart) to check nios state. if nios doesn't boot, try to download the code with eclipse or nios shell (nios2-download -r pj_name.elf) to verify that your hw is working. if it works read again alterawiki 's page, you should have missed something :-) --- Quote End --- It works ! Thanks you !!! I used "select a file" to select my "my_boot_loader_standalone.hex" so I got path and file extension. I tried without any of these like you said and it's work. Thanks you again.
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glad it works !
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check epcs_flash_controller address and lock it to avoid any future modification. it must match EPCS_FLASH_CONTROLLER_0_BASE.
1024 bytes for the ROM is enough. don't forget to initialize the ROM with "my_boot_loader_standalone.hex". Put this hex file in your project directory and point to it. (in sopc builder I write only "my_boot_loader_standalone" without any path or file extension in the "user created init file" field). set the processor reset vector to this boot rom. "this boot rom" is 1024 bytes for the ROM that is initialize with "my_boot_loader_standalone.hex"? "this boot rom" isn't epcs_flash.epcs_control_port? Reset vector isn't EPCS_FLASH_CONTROLLER_0_BASE? I'm working this,but my system can't boot from EPCS. The Quartus is 13.0,Cyclon v 5CGXFC5C6,my Exception vector memory is DDR3. Who can tell me this boot rom is what? on chip ram or epcs_flash.epcs_control_port? Reset vector is on chip ram' s address? or EPCS_FLASH_CONTROLLER_0_BASE? Thank you!- Mark as New
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--- Quote Start --- check epcs_flash_controller address and lock it to avoid any future modification. it must match EPCS_FLASH_CONTROLLER_0_BASE. 1024 bytes for the ROM is enough. don't forget to initialize the ROM with "my_boot_loader_standalone.hex". Put this hex file in your project directory and point to it. (in sopc builder I write only "my_boot_loader_standalone" without any path or file extension in the "user created init file" field). set the processor reset vector to this boot rom. "this boot rom" is 1024 bytes for the ROM that is initialize with "my_boot_loader_standalone.hex"? "this boot rom" isn't epcs_flash.epcs_control_port? Reset vector isn't EPCS_FLASH_CONTROLLER_0_BASE? I'm working this,but my system can't boot from EPCS. The Quartus is 13.0,Cyclon v 5CGXFC5C6,my Exception vector memory is DDR3. Who can tell me this boot rom is what? on chip ram or epcs_flash.epcs_control_port? Reset vector is on chip ram' s address? or EPCS_FLASH_CONTROLLER_0_BASE? Thank you! --- Quote End --- My software can works,but the hardware can't works. I set the processor reset vector to on_chip_ram that is 262144 Bytes. My exception vector memory is the same with rest vector memory in on_chip_ram.Is the on_chip_ram is too small to put hardware? The follow is my jic map file. BLOCK START ADDRESS END ADDRESS Page_0 0x00000000 0x001DE686 sw.hex 0x00800000 0x0081A37F When I set exception vector memory is on DDR3. My software and hardware can't work. Why ? I test DDR3 with Run AS hardware,it is normally. Thank you!

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