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*9/25/24 - Please go to the following link for the latest updates: Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen Desktop Processor Vmin Instability Issue Root Cause*
Intel is committed to making sure all customers who have or are currently experiencing instability symptoms on their 13th and/or 14th Gen desktop processors are supported in the exchange process. We stand behind our products, and in the coming days we will be sharing more details on two-year extended warranty support for our boxed Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen desktop processors.
In the meantime, if you are currently or previously experienced instability symptoms on your Intel Core 13th/14th Gen desktop system:
- For users who purchased systems from OEM/System Integrators – please reach out to your system manufacturer’s support team for further assistance.
- For users who purchased a boxed CPU – please reach out to Intel Customer Support for further assistance.
At the same time, we apologize for the delay in communications as this has been a challenging issue to unravel and definitively root cause.
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I believe the warranty starts on the date of purchase. The Standard period is 3 years from the purchase date, and now they are talking about extending it another two years. It is unclear whether that extension will be free of charge.
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Of course it extends the warranty for two more years. The only move they could do except replacing all 13/14gen CPUs from market. Well knows move in auto industry, it should also be a standard in IT.
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I think it will definitely be free of charge, just like the first 3 year, it should be like to just simply change the warranty period from 3 to 5. It is intel's fault, not we users.
Actually, I have seen some opinion says that intel should extend the warranty period to five years and once customer get a replaced one, the 5-year warranty for the new one should be start from the day we get the new one. And we should get full refund if the second replaced processor get failure.
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I have had warranty replacements for non-Intel products in the past and it's a standard thing that a replacement does not change the length of the warranty period or give you any other extended rights.
That said I welcome this as a reassurance for owners of boxed retail CPUs who are planning to keep their processors for up to 5 years.
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so that means all legal boxed processors will get +2 warranty right? even china?
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I believe that is correct. I contacted intel China and they told me they just got this information, and that is true, but they have not get any detail. So we may need some time to see what is going to happen.
And by the way what do you mean "even china"?
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woohoo !Great to hear this, most of time stuff like this was everywhere but china mainland my friend ;( If we have a callback this time I am pretty sure china will be out of it(tian wang gai di hu xiong di)
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河北的 刚买主板就坏了 放在那没咋用 2023 10月批次的 也不知道是不是污染那批 理论上24年批次的就没事了 现在降频降压等8月BIOS :D 买九代就是大雷 14代又遇上这茬子事 害
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我是14700k 没咋用 所以目前没缩也没蓝 因为主板坏了 折腾好几个月 又是itx 拆起来多痛苦你懂的 光这个月我都拆了7 8遍了 先用着吧 实在折腾不起了 8月BIOS是修电压算法 不会再有电压拉到1.6v的情况了 应该也不会再电缩肛了 说实话退了也要亏3千多的主板 还不如多换几个
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又过了几周,某一天我躺床上的时候突然想起来可能是cpu坏了,,,,,,之前我一直是tm5和p95第三项随机报错怎么都消除不掉,想到这个原因之后从床上蹦起来,打开p95选第二项 秒报错,这才知道是CPU故障.......排查了四个月,最后从想到CPU故障到确定CPU故障只花了不到十分钟
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我到手看vid电压自动给那么高 默频满载都有1.34v虚高了 我就留了个心眼 只把内存在安全电压内超到8000就老实了(jdec 1.43v) 国外有拉到6g往上的 本来就高 算法再出错 电压奔着1.7去了都 吓人 能不坏吗那玩意 工艺问题可以去看Moore law is dead的视频 好像是说因为工厂的空调损坏导致一批晶圆被污染了 时间范围是2023年3月到六月