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Thermal sensor issue i7-7700k?


I have a brand new build; EVERYTHING NEW. i7-7700k is running at stock speeds. I have the RAM set to XMP for DDR4-2666. Motherboard is Asus Maximus IX Hero Z270.

I have found that the i7-7700k reports a momentary (a second or less) temperature spike +25 > 35 degrees Celsius anytime a program is opened, a webpage is opened, a background app runs etc. The temperature blip cascades through the cores in random order; not the same every time. This causes my heatsink fan to constantly cycle up and down. Temperatures otherwise report as steady, normal increases. Peak temperature under Prime95 blend test is 71 degrees Celsius.

Attempted solutions:

I have re-installed my heatsink and thermal paste with no change.

I have tried to manually set my fan speed in the bios. The only setting that avoids this issue is setting the temperature / fan at a constant (and loud) 80-100%. I've tried PWM and DC mode.

I have found a few user reports elsewhere on the web, all reasoning that it's just the way it is. I don't accept that. Opening a folder or browser should not spike temps +30 degrees. Not only is the fan cycling annoying, it puts undue stress on my fan; possibly shortening its lifespan.

What's the answer, if any? RMA?

1 Solution

Hello Everyone,

We appreciate the feedback you have provided, and your patience as we investigated this behavior. The reported behavior of the 7th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-7700K Processor, showing momentary temperature changes from the idle temperature, is normal while completing a task (like opening a browser or an application or a program).

In our internal investigation, we did not observe temperature variation outside of the expected behavior and recommended specifications. For processor specifications, please refer to the Intel® Core™ i7-7700K Processor Product Specifications.

Most motherboard manufacturers offer customizable fan speed control settings that may allow for smoother transition of fan revolutions per minute (rpm). Please consult your motherboard manufacturer's manual or website for instructions on how to change default fan speed control settings.

We do not recommend running outside the processor specifications, such as by exceeding processor frequency or voltage specifications, or removing of the integrated heat spreader (sometimes called "de-lidding"). These actions will void the processor warranty.

Kindest Regards,

Ronald M.

View solution in original post

1,110 Replies

They are not loud at all + Headsets are my best friends

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New Contributor I

I swear, that d15s will be my last contribution to this pc.


Does anyone wants to buy u14s halfprice?)

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I do it because i like to have the newest hardware, and because i have a job that is good paid.

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Hi people. I'm another one with the spike issue, I read the 59 pages of this thread and still do not know what to do. RMA is impossible due to the nature of my purchase (international shipping, i'm from Argentina and bought the stuff in the US).

The spikes go from 35c idle to 75c aprox (room temp = 17c), is even worst than most cases that i read here (40+ spikes). Now is winter time here, so in summer the room temp will go to aprox 30c.

My sistem:


asus strix z270 ITX

gskill ripjaw V 3200mhz

The fans are all set in Silent mode through the bios Qfan control, but they are still making me nuts with the constant changes.

I need your opinions, my options are:

Delid 7700k.

Buying 6700k.

Buying 7700 (non k) and delid it too.

Set the entire build on fire and go for ryzen.

Thanks everyone!

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Si puedes vendes el 7700K y compras un 6700K y no tendrás más problemas, si le haces el Delid al 7700K el problema de el spike será menos pero siempre estará ahí.

Note: y si compras un Ryzen no te hablo nunca más :-)

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Voy a revisar si encuentro algun 6700k a la venta, por que con el 7700k si el problema va a estar siempre, tal vez el resultado del delid no me deje satisfecho.

Si no me queda otra opcion, voy por el Ryzen ajaja

creocoder at least the 7700 seems to work half temperature of the K version, the spikes should be hard to notice, specialy if i delide it.

Yes i've seen a lot of ryzen configs and none of them has temp issues.. But changing the entire plataform is a lot of work, that includes reinstalling windows.

firepanda i think i could give ir a shot, seems quite easy to do, but i'm afraid that spikes would still keep my fans screeming from time to time, specialy in the coming summer.

Thanks people, your opinions help a lot

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Xavit написал(а):

Hi people. I'm another one with the spike issue, I read the 59 pages of this thread and still do not know what to do. RMA is impossible due to the nature of my purchase (international shipping, i'm from Argentina and bought the stuff in the US).

The spikes go from 35c idle to 75c aprox (room temp = 17c), is even worst than most cases that i read here (40+ spikes). Now is winter time here, so in summer the room temp will go to aprox 30c.

My sistem:


asus strix z270 ITX

gskill ripjaw V 3200mhz

The fans are all set in Silent mode through the bios Qfan control, but they are still making me nuts with the constant changes.

I need your opinions, my options are:

Delid 7700k.

Buying 6700k.

Buying 7700 (non k) and delid it too.

Set the entire build on fire and go for ryzen.

Thanks everyone!

I think best options are:

- Buying 7700 (no delid)


- Set the entire build on fire and go for ryzen.

Note that 7700 is also affected by temperature spikes! (not so horrible as for 7700k ofcourse).

On other side there is no any spikes on Ryzen at all. Its temperature changes are supersmooth. I have both systems on i7 7700 (non K) and Ryzen 1700. I like Ryzen temperatures and its behavior a lot. Intel just pathetic babies if compare with AMD in that aspect.

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If you already have an i7 7700k, you need the delid . It costs a lot less than buying another cpu and the temperatures drop a lot

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New Contributor I

The liquid metall is recommended to be used on a delided CPU,

How long will it last? I don't really want to change it like motor oil every year or so.

As I have understood, a cpu can't be used without the lid.

Is that true? Cuz it would be much easier to change the tim without touching the lid.

Or maybe I could use any thermal paste? Mx2 or 4...., Noctua's ?

*For those, who are thinking about what to do with fan's howl:

I have set my fan curve like this:

Till 55c i have set a constant low speed. After 55c the curve goes up.

You can experiment for yourself, how aggresive will it go up.

My spikes don't exceed 55 in average, so my fans don't usually react to them.

Under load temp goes up, and the fans start to ramp up.

It's not an ideal fan behavior, because sometimes CPU temp can drop from 60 to ~45-50c for a couple of seconds under load and fans are dropping the rpms, although it's not needed.

But at least no ramping up for no reason...

NB! beware, if you have something like an intel stock cooler, this curve can cause overheating.

If you have Asus board, you can also do this:

In bios (monitor tab), set the "Fan step up" and "Fan step down" parameters for CPU fan to 25sec, and for case fans to 51.

Some sources say it adds a delay before fan starts to increase it's rpms, others - it slows down the acceleration of speed increase/decrease, making the fan slower to react on temp changes.

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I have an asus board (strix ITX z270) and i don't think i've seen that option in the fan controll. I'll check later!

I've noticed something recently, when i'm typing or doing something and one spike shows up, it slows down the pc. Even typing or scrolling gets some delay, it's a thing of miliseconds, but its noticeable. This sucks.

BTW, i'm allmost sure that some people have 7700k and DOESEN'T have the spike issue, i seriously doubt that is part of any speedstep/speedshift feature.

And it's not because of the poor TIM/IHS glue, if it were, the delid process would solve it. The only thing that i can conclude, is that the silicon lottery is extremely noticeable and some cpu have this flaw due to the abismal quality difference from one to another.

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As I have understood, a cpu can't be used without the lid.

Is that true? Cuz it would be much easier to change the tim without touching the lid.

Well, from own experience you can do it if you want, i did ran mine for 2 weeks without the Lid, but i warn you, there is the risk that the Die crack if you put too much pressure when mounting the Waterblock, btw, there are some mounting kit/adapter kit that has been designee specially to run the CPU naked.

Here an idea of what i am talking about: Delidding your Intel Haswell CPU | Putting it all back together

This is mine:

I didn't use the mounting kit/adapter kit, just mounted the Waterblock and ready to go, but please don't do it the way i did because if i damage a CPU i go and buy another one after a few minutes but i don't know your financial situation, so been honestly, don't do it.



I don't really want to change it like motor oil every year or so.

My point of view about how long it last i guess but i cant confirm that it depends if you are using Watercooling or Aircooling.

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New Contributor III

So a few things.

While yes you can mount without the lid, I would highly advise against it. When you mount your block it was designed to have that extra thickness provided by the IHS for mounting. So you can have issues making good enough contact, which can require some modding. The next issue is mount pressure. Not enough and you lose cooling efficiency, but too much and you can damage the die and kill the chip.

If you are looking for ease of use incase of reapplication of the LM then you could just place the IHS back on and let the socket locking mechanism hold it on. This will make it easy to remove and also means you are not having to bother with application of whatever adhesive you planned on using. Many people do it that way and have no ran in to issues. Just remember to put the IHS a tad higher than center on the chip, because when you lock down the place it will slide down a little.

I've haven't run into an issue with Liquid Metal drying up on me and needing reapplication, but I hear it does happen to people using it between the IHS and the water blocks. This is mostly due to how it interacts with copper over a long period of time causing it to dry. A Nickel plated block on on top of the IHS also means it won't dry up as quickly or at all.

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When you mount your block it was designed to have that extra thickness provided by the IHS for mounting. So you can have issues making good enough contact, which can require some modding. The next issue is mount pressure. Not enough and you lose cooling efficiency,

Agree with you but sometimes you have to use your imagination and be creative, when i ran mine without the Lid i used washers to create the right space between Waterblock and Die.

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Hi T --- I think you delidded your CPU using a razor blade. Is that correct? If so, was it reasonably easy to do? I don't want to buy a delidder unless I have to.



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New Contributor III

So here is where I run in to a dilemma. While I found it to be easy, I don't want to say that will be the case for everyone. I've used a lot of razor blades in my day haha. IF you do decide to proceed I would get one of those old fashioned double sided shaving razors. Then tap up one side of the blade so you don't cut yourself. These are thin and flexible so are much easier to get between the IHS and chip.

Remember to go slow. Do not over force it. I worked it slowly in to all 4 corners by gently rocking side to side then when I made the long down strokes I made sure to have the blade angled up towards the IHS so there was minimal chance of it nicking the silicon. Remember a smallest scratch on the silicon can kill the chip. If I haven't scared you off yet I would watch one of the many youtube videos on it so you can get a feel for what they are doing.

As always if you cannot afford to replace the chip in the event you kill it, then it isn't worth taking the risk. I was impatient as the delid kit was going to be awhile getting to me.. so if you can afford the wait and cost that would be the safest option.

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today i finished deliding my 7700k , managed to drop 20-25C and i could use some little tweaking to archieve lower temps through vcore lowering cuz i noticed on default settings with just xmp profiles on rams im using up to 1.332V vcore (max @ cpu-z , didnt stress test or anything) , any1 wanna bother to help me tweak this shit?

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New Contributor I

Did you use de-liding kit or just a razor?

What have you put under the lid?

Are you planning to replace this TIM in future?

Do spikes still present?

1.332 vCore on stock, that vcore is looking like it's being set by your MOBO.

I'm @ 1.26v 4.7 Ghz. I think you can easily set vCore to 1.25 for stock clocks.

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i used a deliding kit , i putted thermal grizly condoctunaut or smthing..

Sorry i thought i was watching vcore but actually 1.332 was the VID , the actually minimum vcore is 0.616V and max is 1.296V , spikes are still there ofc but they max out at 75~C with 38C++ room temp so its pretty good compared to pre delid where i could easily go up to 90C with lower room temperature.

im new to overclocking and i have no idea what to do , so if any1 wanna bother help me out would appreciate it.. i just want to run @ stock and having xmp on rams, all i want is to lower the vcore to the point is still stable just to decrease those temps even further.

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New Contributor I

Oh, so you are not using the famous liqud metall and still a -15c result.

I would like to delid my cpu, but i'm worried about what tim to apply and how long will it live.

Your 1.296 is still prety high for stock.

Set to adaptive mode and set Additional Turbo core/cache Voltage to 1.25. If your system is stable, try lowering to 1.23....1.20.

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its actually 20-25C drop , cuz back then room temp was lower and now is higher.. and grizzly condoctonaut is the best out there , if u apply a very thin layer and decrease that gap between ihs and die the results will be very good.. i used also a gasket sealer to seal it back.. if u are not applying liquid metal dont bother delid it , you may see some 5-7C drops with a better paste like mx4 for example but it will dry out pretty quick cuz temps in there are crazy high , actually the stock tim it might suck on keeping it cool but it has very good durability and it will never dry..

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