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Vielleicht könnt Ihr mir in der Community schneller helfen, 

Ich bekomme seit geraumer Zeit Windows 11 angeboten habe Windows 10, Problem auch wenn ich dank Microsoft es kostenlos bekomme, hat mein Prozessor kein TPM 2.0, ist von 2012. 

Das sind die Daten 

Prozessor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3401 MHz, 4 Kern(e), 4 logische(r) Prozessor(en). 

Nach Rückfrage mit Intel selbst brauch ich einen Prozessor der 8 Generation, meiner ist einer der 3 Generation. Einbauen sollte Ich selbst noch hinbekommen, aber man braucht ja die richtige größe vom Gerät her etc.!

Nun zu meine Frage, weiß wer anhand meiner Prozessoren Daten welchen Neuen Intel Prozessor der 8 Gen Ich kaufen muss damit es vom Einbau her passt?
Muss ich dann noch separat ein TPM 2.0 Modul kaufen?
Und lohnt sich das denn alles auch im Zusammenhang nur um von Windows 10 auf 11 umzusteigen?

Und wie sieht es vom Rest aus? Falls Ich einen Neuen Prozessor einbaue muss Ich dann auch die Grafikarten etc. auswechseln? Ich danke als mal im Voraus für die Antworten und Hilfe. 

schönen Abend euch noch

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2 Replies
Super User

Your processor is not supported by windows 11, plain and simple.  And, if you had an 8th gen or later processor, you need not worry about TPM 2.0 as all 8th gen and later processors support PTT.

Even if you were able to get a TPM 2.0 module, your current motherboard would need to support it, which is very, very unlikely.  And, if you had a TPM 1.2 module, assuming your current motherboard supported it, it would not help you (although there are some out there who believe it will).

Ok, fact is that you need an 8th gen or later processor, which means you need a motherboard that supports 8th or later processors - period.


Microsoft has provided a hack that will allow you to run W11 on 7th gen a lower systems, at your own risk.

And, Microsoft is not offering W11 to people whose processors do not meet their requirements (8th gen or later).


So, stop trying to make W11 work.  And, if you really want W11 (which is worthless in my opinion) get a system that has an 8th gen or later processor.


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Maybe Windows 12 will be better]

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Hello Sino0289,

Thank you for posting on the Intel️® communities.  

Due to this product being discontinued, Intel Customer Service no longer supports inquiries for it, I am glad to see that fellow community members have the knowledge and they jumped in and helped. You may also find the Discontinued Products website ( website helpful to address your request.  

You can get the specifications and verify this product's discontinuance status at the Intel® Product Specifications website > Product Status > "Discontinued". 

Please keep in mind that this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel. Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards, 

Jean O.  

Intel Customer Support Technician

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