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21073 Discussions

DPRAM synthesised by IP Parameter Editor Pro wont compile

New Contributor III

Moving from Quartus 20.1 Lite to Quartus 23.1 Pro I used the IP editor to generate a fresh DPRAM design, simple enough 128 words of 32 bits with separate read and write ports. Target is Cyclone 10 GX 220 on the eval board.

The problem is that I get 5 identical compiler error in the Analysis and synthesis of:

Error(15465): WYSIWYG primitive "rsproc|rb|ram_2port_0|altera_syncram_component|auto_generated|altsyncram1|ram_block2a23" has clk0 port that must be connected

I instantiate the component in VHDL like this:

rb : component roiRAM
port map (
data => pcwd, -- data.datain
q => lel, -- q.dataout
wraddress => Std_logic_vector(wea), -- wraddress.wraddress
rdaddress => Std_logic_vector(lea), -- rdaddress.rdaddress
wren => pcwe, -- wren.wren
wrclock => clk62pci, -- wrclock.clk
rdclock => clk100sys -- rdclock.clk

Help please, please, please

NB the IP file is in the roiRAM.7z file because this forum wont allow IP files. Please think about this, take as long as you like.


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1 Solution
New Contributor III

So the problem was no clk62pci, which was a bit harder to fix than anticipated. A PLL was the obvious source for the development stage, but it took a while to get two IOPLLs running off the same 50 MHz input on the Cyclone 10 GX evaluation board.

Thanks for asking the right question.

View solution in original post

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

Can you show the rest of the upper level code around this instantiation?  Where are clk62pci and clk100sys coming from?

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New Contributor III

This block is buried deep, but I think you've asked the key question. clk100sys comes from a PLL, no issues, but clk62pci comes from the PCIe endpoint wrapper, which is currently commented out! I'll set up a source for clk62pci and report back.

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New Contributor III

So the problem was no clk62pci, which was a bit harder to fix than anticipated. A PLL was the obvious source for the development stage, but it took a while to get two IOPLLs running off the same 50 MHz input on the Cyclone 10 GX evaluation board.

Thanks for asking the right question.

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