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MAXII SVF Erase Only File?

Honored Contributor II

QuartusII doesn’t allow me to generate an ERASE only SVF file for a MAXII device. The SVF file generation options only permit a program or verify, how do I do this?

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

To create this file for a single device - perform the following steps. 


1) Create a dummy project in Quartus II 

2) Choose your target device -> e.g. EPM1270F256C5N 

3) Under Device & Pin Options, Programming Files, Tick the Serial Vector Format File box. 

4) Compile your dummy project. 

4) Open the *.svf file in a text editor 

5) You need to delete the section where it starts from !PROGRAM. Everything including this line needs to be deleted until the end of the file where you get to a function called STATE IDLE; This line needs to be preserved. 


The resulting SVF file will now simply erase the device.
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