Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
21017 ディスカッション

Too many events in OpenCl host program on intel fpga



When I run my opencl program on x86,there was nothing happened.But when I run the same opencl code in intel FPGA host,the program will prompt me ([Runtime Warning]: Too many 'event' objects in the host. This causes deterioration in runtime performance.)

I tried to find some answers on google,the intel manual said that I need to release the cl_event objects in my program,but in my opencl program, I did not create any cl_event object,so I could not use the clReleaseEvent()API to release any cl_event.What should I do? Thanks for your help.

0 件の賞賛
1 解決策

Hi @NIAN1,

Thank you for the patients, the device codes can be ignore as they are not related to host program.

Based on the main function provided, suspecting there are too many enqueue which might potentially caused some issues.

Hence would suggest to try to compile and execute by removing some of those unnecessary code section to figure out the culprit.

Hope that clarify.

Best Wishes



4 返答(返信)

Hi @NIAN1,

Thank you for posting in Intel community forum and hope all is well.

Would you be able to provide the code snippet for us to better understand and investigate further.

Also what are the command used for the compilation that has been used?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes



@BoonBengT_Intel Thank you for your reply,

This is my code snippet:


The OpenCl init and release function:
bool init()
    cl_int status;

    if(!setCwdToExeDir()) {
        return false;

    // Get the OpenCL platform.
    platform = findPlatform("Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM)");
    if(platform == NULL) {
        printf("ERROR: Unable to find Intel(R) FPGA OpenCL platform.\n");
        return false;

    // User-visible output - Platform information
        char char_buffer[STRING_BUFFER_LEN];
        printf("Querying platform for info:\n");
        clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_NAME, STRING_BUFFER_LEN, char_buffer, NULL);
        printf("%-40s  ★%s★\n", "CL_PLATFORM_NAME", char_buffer);
        clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, STRING_BUFFER_LEN, char_buffer, NULL);
        printf("%-40s  ★%s★\n\n", "CL_PLATFORM_VERSION ", char_buffer);

    // Query the available OpenCL devices.
    scoped_array<cl_device_id> devices;
    cl_uint num_devices;

    devices.reset(getDevices(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, &num_devices));

    // We'll just use the first device.
    device = devices[0];

    // Create the context.&oclContextCallback
    context = clCreateContext(NULL, 1, &device, &oclContextCallback, NULL, &status);
    checkError(status, "Failed to create context");

    // Create the command queue.
    queue = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &status);
    checkError(status, "Failed to create command queue");

    // Create the program.
    std::string binary_file = getBoardBinaryFile("No1k", device);
    printf("Using AOCX: %s\n", binary_file.c_str());
    program = createProgramFromBinary(context, binary_file.c_str(), &device, 1);

    // Build the program that was just created.
    status = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, "", NULL, NULL);
    checkError(status, "Failed to build program");

    // Create the kernel - name passed in here must match kernel name in the
    // original CL file, that was compiled into an AOCX file using the AOC tool
    const char *kernel_kr = "kr";  // Kernel name, as defined in the CL file
    kr = clCreateKernel(program, kernel_kr, &status);
    checkError(status, "Failed to create kernel kr");

    const char *kernel_kk = "kk";  // Kernel name, as defined in the CL file
    kk = clCreateKernel(program, kernel_kk, &status);
    checkError(status, "Failed to create kernel kk");

    const char *kernel_name = "thirdKernel";  // Kernel name, as defined in the CL file
    kernel = clCreateKernel(program, kernel_name, &status);
    checkError(status, "Failed to create kernel");

    printf("★ OpenCL init successfully!\n");

    return true;

void cleanup()
    if(kr) {
    if(kk) {
    if(kernel) {
    if(program) {
    if(queue) {
    if(context) {
    printf("★ OpenCL clean successfully!\n");




The main function:
float *temp = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * dim * dim); 

for (unsigned int m = 0; m < dim; m++) {
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < dim; n++) {
temp[m * dim + n] = mat[m * dim + n];

if (m == n) {
result[m * dim + n] = 1.0f;
} else {
result[m * dim + n] = 0.0f;

cl_int err = 0;

cl_mem mem_temp = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR | CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(float) * dim *dim,
checkError(err, "Failed to CreateBuffer mem_temp");

cl_mem mem_ratio = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(float) * dim,
checkError(err, "Failed to CreateBuffer mem_ratio");

cl_mem mem_res = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR | CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(float) * dim *dim,
checkError(err, "Failed to CreateBuffer mem_res");

size_t work_item;
size_t work_group;

if (dim <= 300) {
work_group = dim * dim;
work_item = dim;
} else {
work_item = 300;
work_group = dim * dim;

size_t global_work_size[] = {work_group};
size_t local_work_size[] = {work_item};

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {

err = clSetKernelArg(kr, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &mem_temp);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg kr mem_temp");
err = clSetKernelArg(kr, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &mem_ratio);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg kr mem_ratio");
err = clSetKernelArg(kr, 2, sizeof(cl_uint), (void *) &i);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg kr i");
err = clSetKernelArg(kr, 3, sizeof(cl_uint), (void *) &dim);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg kr dim");
err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kr, 1, NULL, &global_work_size[0], &local_work_size[0], 0, NULL, NULL);
checkError(err, "Failed to EnqueueNDRangeKernel kr");

err = clSetKernelArg(kk, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &mem_res);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg kk mem_res");
err = clSetKernelArg(kk, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &mem_temp);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg kk mem_temp");
err = clSetKernelArg(kk, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &mem_ratio);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg kk mem_ratio");
err = clSetKernelArg(kk, 3, sizeof(cl_uint), (void *) &i);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg kk i");
err = clSetKernelArg(kk, 4, sizeof(cl_uint), (void *) &dim);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg kk dim");
err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kk, 1, NULL, &global_work_size[0], &local_work_size[0], 0, NULL, NULL);
checkError(err, "Failed to EnqueueNDRangeKernel kk");

err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &mem_res);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg mem_res");
err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &mem_temp);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg mem_temp");
err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_uint), (void *) &dim);
checkError(err, "Failed to SetKernelArg dim");

err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kernel, 1, NULL, &global_work_size[0], &local_work_size[0], 0, NULL, NULL);
checkError(err, "Failed to EnqueueNDRangeKernel");

err = clFinish(queue);
checkError(err, "Failed to Finish");

err = clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, mem_res, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(float) * dim * dim, result, 0, NULL, NULL);
checkError(err, "Failed to ReadBuffer mem_res");

err = clReleaseMemObject(mem_res);
checkError(err, "Failed to ReleaseMemObject mem_res");
err = clReleaseMemObject(mem_temp);
checkError(err, "Failed to ReleaseMemObject mem_temp");
err = clReleaseMemObject(mem_ratio);
checkError(err, "Failed to ReleaseMemObject mem_ratio");




As you can see, I didn't create any cl_event in the code, but in the callback function, it prompts too many events in the host.


This is my compilation command  that I used in Makefile:



ifeq ($(VERBOSE),1)
ECHO := @

# Where is the Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM) software?
ifeq ($(wildcard $(INTELFPGAOCLSDKROOT)),)
$(error Set INTELFPGAOCLSDKROOT to the root directory of the Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM) software installation)
ifeq ($(wildcard $(INTELFPGAOCLSDKROOT)/host/include/CL/opencl.h),)
$(error Set INTELFPGAOCLSDKROOT to the root directory of the Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM) software installation.)

# OpenCL compile and link flags.
AOCL_COMPILE_CONFIG := $(shell aocl compile-config --arm)
#AOCL_LINK_CONFIG := $(shell aocl link-config --arm)
AOCL_LINK_CONFIG := $(wildcard $(INTELFPGAOCLSDKROOT)/host/arm32/lib/*.so) $(wildcard $(AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT)/arm32/lib/*.so)
# Compilation flags
ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)

# Compiler. ARM cross-compiler.
CXX := arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++

# Target
TARGET := host
TARGET_NAME := time_FPGA_trasform_and_kernel_exe

# Directories
INC_DIRS := ../common/inc

# Files
INCS := $(wildcard )
SRCS := $(wildcard host/src/*.cpp ../common/src/AOCLUtils/*.cpp)
LIBS := rt pthread

# Make it all!

# Host executable target.
$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -Wall -fPIC $(foreach D,$(INC_DIRS),-I$D) \
$(foreach D,$(LIB_DIRS),-L$D) \
$(foreach L,$(LIBS),-l$L) \

$(ECHO)mkdir $(TARGET_DIR)

# Standard make targets
clean :

.PHONY : all clean



Thanks for your help.





Hi @NIAN1,

Noted on the code, please do allow us some time to look into the code.

Thank for your patients.

Best Wishes



Hi @NIAN1,

Thank you for the patients, the device codes can be ignore as they are not related to host program.

Based on the main function provided, suspecting there are too many enqueue which might potentially caused some issues.

Hence would suggest to try to compile and execute by removing some of those unnecessary code section to figure out the culprit.

Hope that clarify.

Best Wishes

