Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20893 讨论

Unable to Program DE2-115 FPGA

674 次查看

I have downloaded the free version of the Quartus Prime software (including ModelSim and Cyclone IV), and when I try to create a simple project (where input is the SW's and output is the LEDR's) and program the DE2-115 FPGA, the board flashes one of the switches (LEDR14) before turning off all lights. When trying the different switches, none of them result in turning any of the LEDR's on. I do have the USB blaster installed (which is shown in my Device Manager), and have imported the pin assignments via a .csv file. 


Thanks in advance for any help!

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2 回复数
643 次查看


Can you describe the programming flow in detail? Including programmer print info, which may help us analyzing.

Best Regards,


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591 次查看
I actually just figured it out. Apparently when the .csv (pin assignment) file is opened in Excel, it is somehow messed up to the point that the PC cannot read it anymore. With this, I re-downloaded a new version of this file, in which the console states (~1000 assignments were created), and I’m able to program the De2 successfully now.
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